SEOZoom at MW2024: uniting Google, socials and SEO to stand out

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Days of inspirations and stimuli, with ideas running fast and meetings turning into new connections, collaborations and projects: it is not easy to put into words the vibrant atmosphere and enthusiasm that pervaded Marketers World 2024, which for us at SEOZoom was an opportunity to get in touch with a community full of passion and desire to build a different future – not by chance, Ivano’s talk was entitled “Write your future!” In short, we return from Rimini with the satisfaction and pride of seeing our efforts confirmed and appreciated by people who, just like us, see every day new opportunities to grow and innovate in the digital field.

Marketers World 2024: SEOZoom’s experience.

As in the premise, Marketers World proved to be much more than an opportunity to talk about content marketing or digital strategy: the three-day event was a space where the digital and the real intertwined in a living, vibrating way .

Write your own future!
Use our tools to create and optimize multichannel, engaging, high-converting content.

And we brought SEOZoom to center stage, with a booth that slowly became a real, highly participatory meeting point : here, we ran demos, shared challenges, tips and new ideas through interactive activities designed to get everyone thinking about how they can improve their digital presence.

il videogame per il content gap

What struck us in a particular way was the palpable enthusiasm of those who approached the interactive game we proposed to engage participants: a playful and at the same time technical way to discover the content gaps that separate brands from their online competitors, to be overcome thanks to SEOZoom’s features that become real super moves, just like in video games!

But there was even more: in Rimini we saw for the first time “in motion” Max, our mascot, who was able to animate the fair and create an even stronger connection with the participants.

Write your future: Ivano’s talk at Marketers World 2024

The real highlight of the event, and not only for us, however, was the speech on the main stage by Ivano Di Biasi, CEO of SEOZoom: Ivano was able to capture the attention with a careful and critical look at the current state of SEO, offering valuable advice on how to stand out in an ever-changing landscape. His vision did not stop at technicalities, but embraced broader themes, explaining in particular what evolutions are shaping Google’s algorithm and, in general, search results, and how to succeed in growing your own online project.

What’s more, the speech highlighted a fundamental concept: SEOZoom is no longer just a tool for SEO, but is evolving into an indispensable support for content creators and anyone working in the world of content marketing. This innovation reflects a profound change in the production and management of digital content, which is no longer exclusively about ranking on Google, but the entire creative process behind the construction of materials that know how to generate impact, engage audiences and, above all, convert.

Ivano’s focus highlighted how today it is no longer enough to write content optimized only for search engines. In addition to looking at classic SEO signals, we must take into account how Google itself is changing, because the presence of social and creators in the SERPs is an increasingly concrete reality: the search engine no longer just indexes web pages, but now also collects, analyzes and enhances content from social platforms. It is no coincidence that more than 38 percent of searches return results from YouTube, Facebook and other channels. For creators, this is a real positioning opportunity, fulfilling the chance to stand out even without a powerful domain behind them.

The ways to gain visibility today

In the face of this what we can call “new era of SEO”, Ivano explained how SEOZoom is strategically at the center of this complete enhancement of content, not only for organic positioning but also for the creation of high-converting content, leveraging the balance between AI and SEO data.

This is where the concept of “write your future” comes into play: thanks to the platform’s capabilities and the power of generative AI, SEOZoom allows creators to automate the most onerous and repetitive parts of the writing process and always have the right tools at hand to target the right audience, whether it’s a post for Instagram, a video script for YouTube, or a blog article.

The real revolution, as Ivano pointed out on stage, lies in the fact that it is not about taking shortcuts or “dumbing down,” but rather streamlining workflows to allow content creators to focus on what really matters: strategy, impact and effectiveness. SEOZoom is no longer just the assistant to optimize the website, but a daily ally that helps take advantage of all the opportunities offered by digital platforms, breaking down that dividing line between SEO and social that no longer exists.

The impact of social on Google and the tools to emerge

The “news” that has caused the most uproar in the audience is precisely the growing space that social content has begun to gain in Google searches, which then become strategic levers for getting organic traffic. In fact, as we know, it is not uncommon to see content from YouTube, Facebook or Instagram among the first results in SERPs – indeed, they are now a fixed presence because our analysis reveals that more than 38% of Google searches include results coming precisely from social!

This is where Social Opportunities, SEOZoom ‘s advanced feature that allows content creators to identify keywords for which social content ranks in SERPs, comes into play, offering new ways to increase visibility and engagement. Most importantly, it offers a new perspective: it is no longer impossible to compete with the big websites, because content that comes from social, if well exploited, can rank in SERPs on Google without necessarily having to have the domain authority of the giants.

Without going so far as to talk about SEO for social-a misnomer even by definition-it is, however, time to stop thinking of SEO as a field exclusive to websites: optimized texts are not exclusive to blogs or product pages, because videos, social posts , and even memes can also become powerful tools for climbing positions on Google’s results pages.

Ivano took the audience on this journey of discovery, showing practical examples where social content, such as a video posted on Facebook or an inspirational Instagram image , achieved high organic rankings , thus succeeding in driving qualified traffic through its presence in SERPs.

That’s what Social Opportunity is for: to help creators and brands discover which keywords in their industry already see a strong presence of social content in SERPs, thus offering a decisive strategic cue. Knowing for which queries Google prefers to propose a YouTube video or an Instagram post in Top 10 can make a difference in how we plan content marketing activities and decide to invest in different platforms. In other words, SEOZoom gives the opportunity to understand exactly where to focus efforts, not only on classic searches, but also on that organic social traffic that is often underestimated.

Social Opportunities thus ushers in a new era for multichannel, allowing you to leverage not only your own domain, but also the authority of social platforms to climb Google rankings. This approach allows you to expand your online presence and intercept an audience that, through searches, may land not only on your site but also on one of your social content, increasing your organic visibility and potentially your brand’s conversion rate .

Automation and quality: how to use SEOZoom to create performant content with AI

And in short, the lesson we brought to Marketers World is that content creation today requires even more of a constant balance between speed, quality, and SEO optimization. Therefore, automating writing-related tasks no longer means sacrificing accuracy, but rather leveraging advanced tools to maximize efficiency and have the time to focus on real business goals. With our artificial intelligence-based features, SEOZoom provides content creators with everything they need to empower their work and produce content that not only performs well on Google, but convinces and engages readers.

The perfect support for content creators!
Automate the creation of SEO and social media optimized content in just a few clicks.

One of the main tools is AI Writer, the text generator that goes beyond simple AI templates. This is not “random” text generation: each output is designed to respond directly to precise user ranking and liking requirements. The secret lies in the integration with our SEO data, which allows us to create optimized content from the very first moment, continuously analyzing competitors and designing a strategy that helps the content stand out in SERPs.

Then, since a few days ago, we have added another powerful tool: AI Assistant. This tool is a real guide in content review and optimization, capable of analyzing more than 25 critical text variables , from tone of voice to optimal formatting, through emotional engagement and cohesion of the content with the user’s search intent. In this way, it ensures not only that the content is smooth and readable, but that it maintains a very high level of engagement with the end readers. The review process thus goes beyond technical suggestions, allowing the article to focus on the target audience and improve the entire reading experience, linking these aspects as much to SEO optimization as to user satisfaction.

Particularly useful in the process of rapid content creation turns out to be Generative Filling, which serves to produce content quickly without losing sight of the ‘fundamental aspect of quality. This feature allows you to generate extended portions of text or edit the creative elements of an article in no time. Starting from a short paragraph or outline, we can expand, rewrite and reorganize entire blocks of text, generate headlines, enhance paragraphs and enrich content with the push of a button. It is especially useful in those cases where we need to quickly tailor a message to the target audience while inserting strategic keywords to improve ranking.

And we certainly cannot forget AI Tools, which with as many as 37 tools cover every stage of content creation and management. From spelling checks to writing texts for social campaigns, from generating concept maps to producing posts optimized for TikTok or Instagram, these tools allow creators to easily tackle even complex tasks. The ability of SEOZoom’s AI is to help writers quickly overcome those daily snags that slow down the workflow, thus allowing for optimal ideas, insights and keywords even for unfamiliar topics. One of the most interesting tools allows to generate scripts for videos, greatly simplifying the process for those who work with audiovisual content and need texts optimized for duration, format and language.

These examples show us how-with a balanced approach-artificial intelligence can be more than a trivial support for automating routines, becoming an essential collaborator in the creative process, helping to balance search engine optimization and reader expectations in real time. This enhancement allows creators and copywriters to save valuable time on repetitive tasks while improving the quality of the end result, delivering content that will not only reach the top positions on Google, but will also know how to engage and convert.

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