
SEOZoom\'s update log
14 March 2021

New tool: Top Sites

As part of the broader work to update the suite, the development team has created a new tool – Website Rankings – that allows for real-time verification of the ranking of sites according to their category of activity, identified through Topical Zoom Authority.

This project – which can be reached at the URL > – allows for granularity of information without comparisons: compared to previous data, the new categorization x-rays each website and calculates Topical Zoom Authority for extremely vertical domains, giving a perfect view of all the topics on which one site, even if small, is more knowledgeable than others.

This super thorough analysis opens up a thriving market for ADV collaborations even to websites that previously went completely unnoticed, as niche traffic may have seemed too little.

There are sectors where the best sites make a few thousand visits per month, but they still remain the best to contact if you want to promote something in their niche. Poorly granular categorization would have obscured the merits of these websites by prioritizing the few, well-known generalists who dominate a little bit of everything.

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