HTML Sitemap: what it is, what it is for and how to create it

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It is not used to communicate directly with search engines, like the XML version, but it has a specific and useful task even today: to improve user navigation. The HTML sitemap is almost literally a searchable map, providing a clear and accessible overview of the sections and pages of a website. It therefore serves to guide the user through our site in a clear, simple and structured way, and is particularly useful when we are managing complex sites or sites with a large amount of content, such as large information portals, eCommerce and blogs with a long history of posts. So let’s venture into the world of HTML sitemaps, outlining why they remain a useful tool, how they differ from the more common XML sitemaps and how they can facilitate not only navigation but also indexing-and thus, why it makes sense to use them and what impact they have on SEO and UX.

What is an HTML sitemap

An HTML sitemap is a site map written in HTML format.

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Wanting to add more details, it is a kind of graphical index of site content , a clickable list of the pages available on a site, sorted according to logical groups and a certain hierarchy, allowing visitors to be able to access specific paths that, perhaps, were not found through the drop-down menus.

Unlike the XML sitemap, which is primarily intended for search engines and capable of facilitating content indexing, the HTML sitemap is primarily designed to support the navigation of real users and to improve the user experience.

It is, in fact, presented as a visible web page where links to all (or a significant selection) of a site’s pages are listed, usually organized according to the hierarchy and logical relationships between the various sections. In addition to serving as a useful guide to the entire structure of the site, the map also has intrinsic value in terms of usability: it allows for an “overview” of the available content, a valuable opportunity especially on large sites.

The functions of HTML sitemaps

The potential of an HTML sitemap is manifold. Indeed, it is a mixed-use resource that combines visible benefits for user experience and a potential contribution to SEO.

Basically, such a sitemap provides an orderly and navigable structure of the site, which becomes essential for thevisitor’s experience, but also for facilitating access to relevant content, somehow helping Google and the various search engines to better understand the structure of the site and facilitating the discovery of deep content.

This is why, although its development is less “mandatory” today than an XML sitemap, it continues to be a tool to consider in our arsenal when working on optimizing a site, with potential positive impacts on SEO as well.

UX and SEO are often part of a virtuous circle: improving one aspect tends to improve the other. For example, with a clear and well-organized HTML sitemap we can make the crawl path easier not only for users, but also for search engine crawlers who need to correctly interpret the structure of our site. This indirectly contributes to SEO by making it easier for the crawler to access deep pages that might otherwise be buried within the site.

And so, even if the XML format remains the one “preferred” by search engines, it is not uncommon for a good HTML sitemap to be factually crawled and used if it is well structured: with this in mind, we can consider HTML sitemaps as a hybrid tool, functional to improve both user experience and indexing by search engine bots, while maintaining the focus on navigability for the human audience.

The differences between HTML sitemaps and XML sitemaps

It is necessary at this point to pause to clarify the difference between HTML sitemap and XML sitemap, two distinct tools that are often confused precisely because of the apparent similarity in name.

Both perform the role of mapping a site’s content, but as mentioned they do so in different ways, addressing different audiences and with specific goals.

The XML sitemap is primarily dedicated to search engines. In XML format, this file directly tells Google, Bing and other search engines what resources are contained on the site, how important they are, how often they are updated and how they are structured. It is like a formal invitation to the crawlers to index the content in the best way possible. With the XML sitemap, we ensure that all important pages, articles, or products are easily found by search engines, thus reducing the chance that relevant parts of the site will be missed during crawling.

Google devotes a limited crawl budget to each site, as we know, and so submitting a list of the site’s priority pages in advance is a good way to avoid wasting Googlebot’s time on unhelpful resources and help crawlers find new pages (although it does not ensure one hundred percent that all pages are then actually crawled). The XML sitemap simply becomes essential for those who intend to act proactively on indexing, especially for complex sites that, without this support, would risk having a few pages lost in the site architecture.

On the other hand, the HTML sitemap addresses users directly. Its purpose is not to “talk” to Google, but to make the site properly navigable for humans. It takes the form of a visible page containing an organized list of links pointing to all or most of the site’s resources. Through it, users can orient themselves internally, immediately locating the sections or content that interest them, without having to rely solely on the navigation menu or internal search bar. In particular, it serves to minimize “blind spots” that may appear within a site’s navigation structure, bringing up pages or categories that may not be easily accessible.

Despite the difference in objectives, there is a kind of synergy between the two types. A good site should leverage both XML sitemaps to facilitate the work of crawlers and HTML sitemaps to support users in their navigation path. Admittedly, HTML sitemaps may seem less crucial today than in the past, but they continue to play a significant role in contexts where the user experience must be strongly curated. A practical example are large sites such as online newspapers or eCommerce platforms, where a well-designed HTML sitemap can make navigation smoother and lower the risk of frustration for those users who cannot easily find what they are looking for.

XML and HTML sitemaps are not mutually exclusive, then, but complement each other. While an agile, well-structured site finds its technical backbone in XML files to show itself ready for crawlers, the presence of an HTML sitemap allows users to feel at home, easily finding what they are looking for. The mix of both returns not only an SEO-friendly site, but also a hospitable environment for those who visit it, thus increasing the overall value of our SEO and UX strategy.

What the HTML sitemap is for.

The HTML sitemap can be seen as an opportunity to create order in a site for the visitor: if in the raw version it is simply a chaotic list of all the pages, from the main to the lower-level ones, in a more elaborate and SEO- and optimization-oriented form it can become a useful shortcut for human and robot users, who can find the desired content and information of interest faster.

Although the direct impact on ranking of an HTML sitemap is less intense than that of an XML sitemap, its indirect contribution to SEO should not be underestimated. A clear and simple structure that lets the entirety of the content shine through can cause search engine crawlers to better explore our site, facilitating a more in-depth and (when necessary) deep crawl. The benefits of improved navigation, combined with increasing user engagement, create a virtuous cycle where SEO and UX work together to improve site visibility and overall search results.

If we are faced with managing a small single-page site or a corporate blog with a dozen or so articles, we probably won’t feel an urgent need to create an HTML sitemap. But the situation changes significantly when the size of the site begins to grow, and adopting an HTML sitemap may prove to be a definite strategic choice, especially crucial when managing complex sites.

Think of a large information portal, populated by thousands of articles organized in different sections, or an e-Commerce with hundreds or thousands of products divided into various categories and subcategories. In these cases, the presence of a visible and accessible site map helps a great deal for the user, who might find himself bewildered when faced with such a large amount of content. A simple navigation menu, however well structured, may not be enough to allow all visitors to find their way around.

But it is not just a matter of size: the complexity of the site structure may also influence the need to use an HTML sitemap. On sites with multiple levels of categorization-with main pages, sections, and finally subsections and sub-subsections-an HTML sitemap becomes a real navigation support tool, helping users get a clear picture of the overall structure and allowing them to access deep resources directly, without having to go through too many intermediate steps.

This is a particularly obvious benefit for first-time visitors. When a new user lands on a large and articulate site, a well-designed HTML sitemap gives them an immediate “compass” of sorts to explore the content without difficulty. Not infrequently, these users can feel disoriented in complex digital environments, especially if the navigation structure is not entirely intuitive or if the site’s internal search engine does not return optimal results. A visible map of the entire site, organized by topics, categories, and priorities, therefore facilitates search and contributes to a more satisfying browsing experience.

Another reason to consider adopting an HTML sitemap concerns the management of older content. Many large sites tend to develop problems with content that is not very obvious or “buried” over time. But having great content is useless if users can’t find it-one of the main benefits of an HTML sitemap is precisely that it “showcases” content that is perhaps cyclically pushed into the depths of the site. For a user who wants to explore the site in depth, meeting this need results in more complete and satisfying navigation. And the more a page is discovered by users, the greater the opportunities to lengthen their visit duration and improve bounce rate, with beneficial effects on SEO as well.

However, inserting an HTML sitemap can also be useful for sites that have a strong focus on curating the UX aspect: in general, a user-friendly site that incentivizes smooth navigation possesses a competitive advantage in terms of conversions and engagement. A well-structured and highly visible HTML sitemap helps to reinforce this aspect. Even sites with a complex taxonomy structure can benefit greatly from this approach: the user does not have to mentally reconstruct the path to take, but has at once a concise and intuitive visualization through which he or she can move unhindered.

In summary, when should you choose to adopt an HTML sitemap? It depends on the size of the site, the type of audience, but most importantly on our focus on user experience and user engagement: large, complex sites or sites with a myriad of content could benefit greatly from a tool that is still relevant to navigability and optimizing overall site usability.

SEO and usability benefits of an HTML sitemap

In addition to these navigability benefits for users, an HTML sitemap also offers an indirect positive impact on SEO and site usability, as mentioned, with benefits that go beyond simply organizing content and intersect with quality signals that search engines such as Google use to evaluate user experience.

Understanding that SEO is not only about how crawlers read a site, but also how users navigate it , allows us to recognize the importance of this tool.

One of the first aspects on which the HTML sitemap acts is the organization and accessibility of content. A well-structured site is reflected in a sitemap designed to facilitate quick access to all major sections and relevant content, reducing the amount of clicks needed to get to the destination. This approach not only improves navigation for the user, who can quickly find what they need, but also indirectly signals to search engines that the site is designed to be user-friendly . Although Google does not use the HTML sitemap like an XML sitemap for primary indexing, it recognizes that a site designed to offer clear and simplified navigation provides a better experience for visitors.

Deep page exposure is another area where the HTML sitemap can play a key role. On large sites or those where content is spread over many subcategories or sections, some pages can be difficult for users to reach. These pages, often referred to as “deep content ‘ or ’deep content,” can escape not only users but also superficial crawling by search engines. Through an HTML sitemap, we can prevent this from happening. By highlighting sections that would otherwise be inaccessible, we are able to give visibility to valuable content, thereby improving the likelihood that it will actually be found, viewed and indexed.

Another element that the HTML sitemap greatly improves is the overall user experience . A user faced with a site with scattered or poorly organized content may feel disoriented and frustrated, leading to a higher bounce rate and reduced time spent on the site. These are negative signs that search engines are increasingly taking into account when evaluating the quality of experience offered by a site. With a well-connected HTML sitemap, users will not only find what they are looking for faster, but they will also be led to explore new related content, thereby increasing engagement and reducing the risk that they will leave the site prematurely.

The contribution of the HTML sitemap is not only limited to SEO and desktop-side user experience, but can be extremely useful for usability on mobile devices: accessibility and simplifying the navigation path are even more critical on small screens, where a dispersed interface makes navigation particularly difficult. An optimized sitemap can function as an additional resource for mobile users, who can quickly access specific content without having to scroll too far or search for hidden links in complex drop-down menus. Again, facilitating user interaction improves important metrics, such as average time spent on the site or the amount of pages browsed per session, metrics that search engines use as signals of content quality.

How an HTML sitemap impacts website UX

Talking about user experience means going beyond just the aesthetics of a site: it involves analyzing the quality of navigation, the accessibility of information, and the ease with which users can reach the content they are looking for. In this context, the HTML sitemap can play a key role, especially for complex sites or sites with numerous categories, as it acts as a complementary tool that enriches the user experience and ensures smoother navigation.

First, an HTML sitemap functions as a logical map of our site. Users, especially if they are unfamiliar with the site or are looking for something specific, may feel disoriented and cannot easily find the resources they are looking for. This situation becomes more evident on e-Commerce portals or sites with a wide range of content and information. The HTML sitemap, in fact, offers extra support for navigation, allowing the user to scroll through the site’s content in an orderly manner, without having to deal with outsized menus or inefficient internal search systems. This immediate and concrete help can become particularly appreciated by visitors, especially at times when direct search does not return the desired results.

When a site has a complex structure, the HTML sitemap provides a well-organized overview. Creating a logical and clear navigational structure through a sitemap improves the understandability of the site for the average user, who can find the main sections and related subsections with just a few clicks. Without an HTML sitemap, users risk getting stuck in secondary or less relevant pages, understandably increasing the abandonment rate. A well-constructed sitemap facilitates the discovery of “buried” or less immediately visible content, giving users more ways to access what they are looking for and, consequently, improving their stay on the site.

Good usability is also measured in terms of efficiency: a site that offers well-defined and clear paths is easier to navigate, especially when users are looking for specific content. Having an accessible HTML sitemap that functions as a “quick guide” allows users to avoid fragmented or erroneous paths, reducing frustration while improving overall satisfaction. In particular, an HTML sitemap proves useful for those users who prefer a more direct navigation, skipping the classic menus or the various possible levels of categorization to make an immediate “jump” to the target. This positively impacts both the perceived response time of the site and the overall quality of interaction.

The positioning of the HTML sitemap plays no small role when it comes to UX. Generally, the sitemap is placed in the footer , at the bottom of the page, or in the secondary navigation bar, in an easily identifiable but unobtrusive position. This means that users can always find it in emergency situations or if they have difficulty exploring the site via the “classic” route. This approach makes it possible to improve navigation flows without overloading the main screen, keeping the sitemap as a supporting tool that emerges only when needed. The constant availability of a guiding tool such as the HTML sitemap helps reassure the user: they know they can count on one more resource if the path initially taken turns out to be complicated or leads to a dead end.

Another benefit in the context of mobile UX is that the HTML sitemap can be particularly useful on small screens, where navigation through drop-down menus or hamburgers can become difficult, especially if the site is rich in content. Finding a specific product, category, or article on a small screen may present more difficulties than on the desktop version of the site. In this sense, a well-organized and mobile-optimized HTML sitemap eases the task, offering a faster and less labor-intensive alternative, simplifying paths that might be made more cumbersome by the space limitations of mobile interfaces.

Transparency and logical navigation are other strengths that an HTML sitemap can offer. When the sitemap accurately reflects the taxonomy of the site, providing a logical and intuitive organization of sections, the user always has a clear understanding not only of what content is present, but also how it is linked and ordered. Being guided through clear paths elicits a positive feeling for the user, who is inclined to continue his visit by exploring other sections or related links. This behavior translates into better engagement data: users visit more pages, spend more time on the site, and generate interactions that send liking feedback to search engines, indirectly improving rankings as well.

Relationship between HTML sitemap and site taxonomy.

We have just mentioned it, and it is important to devote a few more words to it: the taxonomy of a website is a fundamental concept for organizing content, because it indicates the way in which pages are distributed and linked together through categories, subcategories, and internal links. In fact, it represents the backbone of the site’s navigation structure.

A well-designed HTML sitemap is nothing more than the visual and practical translation of this taxonomy, and the link between the two concepts cannot be underestimated: in this light, the sitemap becomes a true map, a blueprint of the website’s architecture and a management tool, which helps oversee the structure and connections between pages and subpages and ensure that there is an effective hierarchy and taxonomy.

In this way, search engine crawlers can also benefit, as they more quickly understand the classification and categorization of site content.

The document also can serve to define and emphasize the specific value of a site, because it allows you to use anchor text on links and, therefore, identify the most important and relevant keywords for your business, which will immediately jump out at visitors.

A good HTML sitemap should adhere faithfully and intuitively to the hierarchical structure of the site, reflecting the taxonomy on which the site is built. If the taxonomy follows a clear logic-with an ordered division into macro-categories and related subcategories, or clearly delineated thematic relationships-the HTML sitemap should reflect exactly this same organization. There is no point, for example, in designing an accurate and granular taxonomy if the HTML sitemap is then chaotic or does not respect this organization, dispersing the visitor in a sea of disconnected links. The user will use the HTML sitemap in cases where he or she wants to see the structure of the site: for this very reason, the map must make the distribution of content immediately understandable.

In practical terms, a mismatch between taxonomy and HTML sitemap can lead to a number of non-negligible problems, especially if we manage a large site. If the sitemap does not correctly reflect logical links between pages or if it creates redundant and confusing paths, users may struggle to find what they are looking for, which will negatively affect their browsing experience. A well-organized site, on the other hand, allows users to explore it intuitively, either by going through standard navigation (menus, internal links) or by accessing the HTML sitemap to get an overview.

To make sitemap and taxonomy work symbiotically, we must, as a first step, outline a clear and consistent taxonomy as early as the site development phase. This means defining logical hierarchies between pages, establishing effective categorization, and making sure that there are natural and relevant connections between the various sections. Only after this step can we devote attention to generating the HTML sitemap, which should reflect the prepared structure in detail. In this way, we will ensure that the sitemap not only helps users move easily, but also becomes a clear indication of the logic and strategy behind the site itself.

In addition, the consistency between taxonomy and HTML sitemap also affects SEO performance. Although the main goal of the HTML sitemap is to make navigation easy for users, it should not be forgotten that a well thought-out structure also indirectly facilitates the work of search engine crawlers. A clear taxonomy, reflected in the HTML sitemap, facilitates vertical and deep crawling of the site, allowing search engines to better understand the context and relative importance of content.

Another crucial aspect is the management of very large sections, such as those containing many pages or products. Here, the taxonomy and HTML sitemap must complement each other to keep the user experience smooth, avoiding overloading the map with unnecessary or redundant links: it is critical to provide only what is truly useful to the user. In such cases, it can be useful to break down the HTML sitemap into macro-sections for major categories, through subcategories or even multiple subdivisions, so that each block in the taxonomy is treated as a self-contained, easily navigable unit. For example, an e-Commerce site might divide the HTML sitemap into sections such as “Clothing,” “Accessories,” and “Technology,” each with its own subcategories, faithfully reflecting the organization found in the main taxonomy.

Finally, we must keep in mind that a site evolves. As new content or entire new sections are added, taxonomy and HTML sitemap must remain in constant harmony. If we update the site with new categories or products, both the taxonomy and sitemap will need to be modified to accurately reflect the changes. This ensures that the entire structure of the site is always up-to-date and that the HTML sitemap continues to be a valuable exploration aid in the long run.

How to create an HTML sitemap

Having outlined the theoretical aspects a bit, let’s also move on to what element is more practical.

Creating an HTML sitemap may seem like a complex task at first glance, but with the right tools and guidelines the process becomes quite manageable, even for those without special technical skills. Basically, it involves generating an HTML page that lists links to pages on the site that we wish to make easily accessible to users, reasoning through issues that also involve strategy, layout, and attention to detail.

Any site, from the smallest to the most complex, can reap real benefits from an HTML sitemap, as long as those responsible for creating and updating it have a clear vision of the content to be presented and the needs of the audience visiting it. There are several methods for doing this, depending on the size and complexity of the site and the resources available.

If we run a small site, an HTML sitemap can also be constructed manually. In this case, we will simply create an HTML page, organize it with a clear hierarchy, and insert the links we want to expose to users. Visitors and crawlers will then know how to interpret the structure of the site. This manual approach, while unnecessary on large platforms, can still prove useful for smaller projects or when we want complete control over the format and arrangement of links.

In the case of larger, more dynamic sites or sites supported by ever-changing content, relying on manual generation is neither practical nor advisable. On the other hand, updating the map manually every time new content is added quickly becomes impossible. This is where automation comes in: there are specialized tools for creating HTML sitemaps, with plugins capable of tracking site updates and generating sitemaps in just a few clicks.

If we run a site based on CMS platforms, SEO plugins such as Yoast SEO or Rank Math can be especially useful. These tools not only help create XML sitemaps for search engines, but also offer functionality for generating HTML sitemaps. The main advantage of plugins lies in their ability to automatically keep sitemaps up-to-date, synchronized with any changes or additions of content to the site. For those who manage a site with frequent updates, this is an invaluable feature that greatly reduces time spent and minimizes errors.

Here is an important differentiation: unlike XML sitemaps, which can include every single page of the site, HTML sitemaps must be selective. It doesn’t make sense to include every page: we need to take care that what is presented in this map is relevant and functional to users’ navigation. In other words, we need to create hierarchies, organize the sections to reflect the taxonomy of the site, and make the path logical and intuitive. This not only improves the usability of the site, but also allows search engine crawlers to more easily understand the structure of the site.

Another key element to consider is where to place the HTML sitemap within the site. Typically, it is embedded in the footer or secondary menus, easily accessible to anyone even as the visitor moves from page to page. Some sites prefer to place it visibly in well-defined sections, while others prefer more discreet tones. The location depends greatly on our use: if we aim for ease of discovery, a prominent position will help; if, on the other hand, we have a very well-structured navigation through menus and internal links, we can relegate it to a more “hidden” position, but still always consultable.

How to avoid mistakes when creating the HTML sitemap

In short: designing an HTML sitemap appears simple, but nevertheless there are common mistakes that can compromise its effectiveness, causing us to fail the key objective of helping the user easily navigate the site.

One of the first mistakes involves the overabundance of links. While the XML sitemap, intended for search engines, can afford to list every single page on the site, a well-crafted HTML sitemap must be selective. It is neither useful nor functional to include too many pages within the sitemap: we must choose those most relevant to the user’s navigation and organize them clearly and hierarchically. The risk, otherwise, is that an overloaded sitemap becomes unusable, losing its purpose altogether.

Other frequent errors include the inclusion of outdated pages or broken URLs. Over time, many pages on a site may be deprecated or moved, but a good HTML sitemap requires that these links be removed or updated. A user who clicks on a link in a sitemap and is faced with a 404 error will not only be frustrated, but may lose confidence in the quality of the site. Monitoring and performing regular checks on the validity of links in the sitemap is therefore crucial, and monitoring tools such as those built into SEOZoom allow you to immediately identify resources that are not working or have not been visited for some time.

Another serious mistake is not regularly updating the HTML sitemap. Any new content-whether a blog post or a new product page-should be reflected in the sitemap right away so that users can find it easily and navigate efficiently. When the HTML sitemap is not updated, it loses effectiveness and conveys a bad image to site visitors, especially if they do not find the most recent resources directly accessible. This is especially problematic on dynamic sites such as e-Commerce, where the list of products, offers or items can evolve rapidly.

Attention to hierarchy and internal structure is also essential. A cluttered or inconsistent structure in an HTML sitemap confuses both users and search engine crawlers. Links should be organized in an easily understandable, hierarchical logic that respects the site’s taxonomy. For example, categories, subcategories, and pages should be structured so that the user always knows where they are and where they can go. In other words, the hierarchy of the site should also be clearly reflected in the sitemap, simplifying the exploration decision-making process.

Another factor that should not be overlooked is the proper use of text links. When we set up links within the sitemap, we need to make sure that there are descriptive and relevant anchor texts. A common mistake is to create ambiguous or unclear links, such as “click here” or “go to page.” Such texts do not help either the user or the search engines understand the destination of the link. On the contrary, including well-descriptive texts, such as “Product Catalog” or “SEO Guide for Beginners”, helps improve both the usability and SEO effectiveness of the site.

Finally, some webmasters make the mistake of overloading the sitemap with over-researched visual elements or design. Although good design is always important, the HTML sitemap is not meant to “impress” visually, but to be used as a functional tool. It should remain simple, well-organized, and accessible. When a sitemap becomes too visually complex, it risks distracting or confusing the user, causing them to lose sight of its original purpose.

How to find a site’s sitemaps

Imagine arriving at a large site and wanting to quickly understand how it is structured or what content it offers. The sitemap, in this case, is the ideal key to access it, provided you know where to look for it and where to find it!

Locating an HTML sitemap within a site is not difficult, but there are still a few things to pay attention to. First, it is not necessarily the case that there is actually this resource, which, as mentioned, is a legacy of an earlier digital era and is by no means mandatory today.

In principle, a well-structured HTML sitemap should be easily accessible to users. On sites that make use of it, we usually find it linked in the footer of the page, i.e., that section located at the end of each page of the site. This position has a double utility: on the one hand, it allows any user arriving on any page of the site to access the sitemap without having to move from the main content; on the other hand, it preserves the sitemap’s function as a supporting tool, without it becoming an invasive element in the browsing experience. If the site has a well-configured HTML sitemap, we should be able to locate it right there.

Another common method is to find it with the simplest action: manually typing the URL. A common practice among webmasters is to place the HTML sitemap in a predictable path, usually at the base of the domain. By trying to type in the site address followed by “/sitemap.html” or “/site-map.html,” we will often be able to go directly to the HTML sitemap page. For example, on a site such as, typing is highly likely to take you directly to the sitemap, if one has been created.

The history of the HTML sitemap: how it has changed over time

HTML sitemaps played a prominent role in the early years of the Web, when the structure and organization of sites were less evolved than today’s standards. Back then, implementing these resources meant offering users an irreplaceable tool for navigating the maze of Web sites that did not have navigation systems as agile and intuitive as those we are used to today. However, as the Web has evolved and increasingly advanced technologies and best practices have been introduced, the role of the HTML sitemap has undergone significant changes.

When the Internet was in its infancy, Web sites tended to have fairly rigid structures and there were often no complex navigation menu options: orphan or disconnected pages, confusing paths, and difficulty exploring a site were problems commonplace. In this context, HTML sitemaps presented themselves as a practical and necessary solution: they provided a complete site map and helped compensate for the lack of user-friendly organization. Each link on a sitemap page opened the door to content that might otherwise be difficult to find. It was a time when website design looked much more at basic functionality than user experience, and so the need to display all the pages of a site in a centralized list ensured that no resource remained “hidden.”

Over the years, however, the approach to building Web sites has changed dramatically, in part due to improvements in the ability to design increasingly fluid and intuitive user interfaces. Modern menus, from the introduction of fixed navigation bars to hamburger menus for mobile devices, have offered a more streamlined and guided experience. It was no longer necessary to “expose” the entire site structure in an HTML map, because the logical and visual structure of a fully “navigable” site began to do the bulk of the work. In addition, users also have other compasses for orientation, such as breadcrumbs, clickable navigation paths, which show the hierarchical path the visitor has followed within the site, facilitating backward movement between visited sections and improving awareness of location within the structure.

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The real turning point in this process of marginalization of HTML sitemaps, however, came with the introduction of XML sitemaps, which, working in the background, were designed to make the process of indexing sites by search engines more efficient. This has diminished the role of the HTML sitemap from an SEO point of view as well : whereas at one time the HTML sitemap might have been a way to also make it easier for crawlers to locate pages, the XML version has made this task much more specialized. It is as if search engines finally had a direct “schema” at their disposal, allowing them to effectively map a site, without having to rely (or prioritize) on the HTML structure designed for users.

However, despite these developments, to say that the HTML sitemap is obsolete or irrelevant would be a gross error. On the contrary, it has continued to play an important role, albeit for different purposes than in the past. With the spread of complex sites such as multi-category e-Commerce or platforms that offer a wide range of content (online magazines, news portals, and so on), HTML sitemaps are still an enabler for users who prefer to have direct and immediate access to specific sections. In a sense, they fulfill a more focused and less generic task: they are no longer just a global map of a site, but a tool that simplifies the retrieval process for users who know what they are looking for but may have difficulty finding it through standard navigation.

In addition to enabling the discovery of content that is hidden or otherwise difficult to retrieve through other methods, the HTML sitemap still provides important value in cases where the structure of the site is particularly large or unpredictable. Think, for example, of sites with high publication frequency, such as magazines or blogs that upload new articles every day. If this content is not immediately included in category systems accessible from the main menu, an HTML sitemap can be a useful reference for exploring the amount of content present, even historically. This is true even for archived sites or complex projects that group large amounts of data or documents.

Over the years, the approach to iconography and UX patterns has also changed, leading many designers to reevaluate the role of the HTML sitemap not just as a textual navigation tool, but as an integral part of the user experience. Today, in fact, it is not uncommon to see HTML sitemaps that do not look like simple pages with a bulleted list of links, but take advantage of visually pleasing icons and graphically represented navigation paths. In these cases, the HTML sitemap emerges as an interactive graphic design, more like a dashboard than a simple URL ladder. A similar transformation has helped bring usability back to the center of the debate, fueling new opportunities to coexist “old-style” sitemaps with the dynamics of modern user interfaces.

While in years past the HTML sitemap had more of a “lifeline” function to keep visitors from getting stuck, it has now become part of the evolved usability and discoverability strategy. With the emergence of increasingly sophisticated taxonomic structures and the development of categorization systems that make navigation easy for the user, the HTML sitemap has adapted subtly, finding new roles within sites that want to provide access at every level. And while it is no longer the first tool people use for resource indexing or content crawling, it can still facilitate the relationship between the user and content they cannot find even through modern internal site search engines.

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