
Termini tecnici e sigle ti confondono?
Il nostro glossario è qui per aiutarti: definizioni semplici e link utili per decifrare e comprendere i concetti chiave del digital marketing e della SEO, aiutandoti a trasformare la complessità in opportunità di crescita

UX (User Experience)

User Experience, often with the acronym UX, is a concept that describes the overall quality of a user’s experience when interacting with a product or service. In the context of digital marketing, UX often refers to a user’s experience when browsing a website or using an app, particularly in terms of ease of use, accessibility, and pleasantness.

More specifically, in the context of web design and SEO, UX focuses on how users perceive a website, including its usefulness, ease of navigation, and page-loading speed, as well as visual attractiveness and ease of finding information. Good UX can increase user engagement, improve conversions, and ultimately contribute to website success.

The growing relevance of UX to SEO is highlighted by Google’s introduction of Page Experience, which includes Core Web Vitals as key metrics for measuring a website’s performance. These factors, which include loading speed, interactivity, and visual stability, have become important ranking factors, reflecting Google’s commitment to rewarding sites that offer a high-quality user experience.

The focus on UX in search engine optimization underscores the importance of creating websites that are not only optimized for search engines, but are also designed with the user’s well-being and satisfaction in mind.

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