
Do technical terms and acronyms confuse you?
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The term tag refers in the Web context to a label or indication that serves to categorize, organize or describe a piece of information or element within a digital environment.

In this sense, a tag can be a keyword assigned to a blog post, image, video or other type of content to describe its subject or context and facilitate its search and organization. A particular category is HTML tags, which are the basic language used to create Web pages, while specific HTML meta tags provide instructions to search engines on how to display content.

Tags are widely used in various content management systems and online platforms, and for example, WordPress tags are celebrated. Another environment that takes advantage of the use of these tags are social platforms, where tagging means assigning an identifying label to a user, place, event, or product within a post, comment, or photo. This is generally done by mentioning the user’s name (or specific identifier on the platform) preceded by a particular symbol, such as an at (@) or a hash mark (#), depending on the context and social platform. For example, tagging a friend in a photo on Instagram means linking his or her profile to the photo, making the tag clickable and notifying the friend that he or she has been mentioned.

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