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In the digital and media context, syndication refers to the distribution of content from an original source to multiple destinations in order to expand its reach and accessibility.

This can be done through various channels, such as websites, news platforms, content aggregators, and social media.

Syndication is often used to reach a wider audience outside the original audience of the website or publishing platform.

Thus, syndicated content is defined as those materials, such as articles, blog posts, videos, podcasts, or infographics, that are republished or shared on different websites or platforms in addition to the original one. This can be done through direct agreements between the content creator and other parties, or through automated services that distribute content to a network of affiliated sites.

Syndication can be a powerful marketing and SEO tool, as it can increase visibility and traffic to the original content and improve brand recognition. However, it is important to manage syndication carefully to avoid problems with duplicate content, which can negatively affect the SEO ranking of the original site. To mitigate this risk, techniques such as indicating the original source with a “canonical” link or including an agreement specifying the original site as the primary source of the content are often used.

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