
Termini tecnici e sigle ti confondono?
Il nostro glossario è qui per aiutarti: definizioni semplici e link utili per decifrare e comprendere i concetti chiave del digital marketing e della SEO, aiutandoti a trasformare la complessità in opportunità di crescita


A pop-up is a type of window that appears above the content of a website.

In its most common application, a pop-up is a form of advertising that appears in a new browser window or overlay on the web page currently being viewed by the user, and can contain various types of content, such as advertisements, newsletter sign-up forms, special offers, and more. A specific type of pop-up are interstitials, which appear between pages or sections of a website, often while a new page is loading.

The term “pop-up” comes from the action of “jumping out” or “appearing suddenly,” which describes the way these ads or content appear on the user’s screen. Typically, pop-ups are designed to grab the user’s attention and prompt them to interact with the content, but because they can be annoying to users, many browsers offer the ability to block pop-ups.

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