
Termini tecnici e sigle ti confondono?
Il nostro glossario è qui per aiutarti: definizioni semplici e link utili per decifrare e comprendere i concetti chiave del digital marketing e della SEO, aiutandoti a trasformare la complessità in opportunità di crescita

Knowledge Panel (Google)

Knowledge Panels are information boxes that appear in Google search results and provide a summary of the most relevant information about a specific entity, such as a company, personality, movie, or place.

There are different types of Knowledge Panels, including those for local businesses, which show opening hours, reviews and addresses, and those for public figures, which can include biographies, related works and other details.

Knowledge Panels are powered by the Knowledge Graph and can be enriched by entity owners by verifying and updating information through the Activity Profile or Google’s Knowledge Verification program.

The presence of a Knowledge Panel for an entity can improve brand visibility and authority, indirectly affecting SEO through increased traffic and recognition.

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