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Branding is the strategic and ongoing process involving the creation, development, and maintenance of a consistent set of brand attributes and values that a company communicates to its audience. This process goes beyond simply creating a logo or slogan and includes managing the entire customer experience with the brand, from product or service quality, to customer service, to marketing communications, to online and offline presence.

Branding aims to establish an emotional and psychological connection between the brand and the consumer, influencing perception and building loyalty through brand image and reputation management.

In practical terms, branding is the set of actions and strategies that a company employs to develop and influence the perception of its brand: in this way, a company shapes its brand identity and influences brand image.

Brand identity represents the tangible expression of how the company wishes to be perceived and is manifested through visual and communicative elements designed to convey the values and essence of the brand. Brand image, on the other hand, is the public’s actual perception of the brand, which can be influenced by multiple factors and does not always coincide with the company’s intended identity.

A key objective of branding is therefore to ensure that brand identity (the image the company intends to project) is aligned with brand image (how the brand is actually perceived by the public): when brand identity and brand image are consistent, the brand is generally perceived as strong and trustworthy. When misalignment occurs, it is necessary for the company to take action on its branding strategy to correct misunderstandings or negative perceptions, thereby strengthening its market presence and customer loyalty.

Effective branding can help a company stand out from competitors, build a relationship with customers, and create brand loyalty.

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