
Termini tecnici e sigle ti confondono?
Il nostro glossario è qui per aiutarti: definizioni semplici e link utili per decifrare e comprendere i concetti chiave del digital marketing e della SEO, aiutandoti a trasformare la complessità in opportunità di crescita


In the context of web design and development, accessibility refers to the practice of making web content usable by as many people as possible, including those who have disabilities or limitations in using traditional technologies.

Accessibility is relevant not only ethically and legally, but also in expanding the reach of content to a wider audience.

The basic principles of accessibility are summarized in the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), which include four key principles: perceivability, operability, understandability, and robustness. These principles advocate that Web content should be presented in ways that can be perceived by all users, that users should be able to use the interface and navigation, that the information and use of the interface should be understandable, and that the content should be robust enough to be reliably interpreted by a wide range of devices, including assistive devices.

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