Branded Podcast: what it is, who it is for, why it is useful

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More than 15 million Italians routinely listen to podcasts, and more than 60 percent also listen to branded podcasts. The future of communication seems to be increasingly sound, as confirmed by the latest trends in people’s consumption, but also by the investments of Italian companies. It is one of the keys to audio transnission, which has among its main strengths the ability to create an intimate experience with the listener, engaging him or her more deeply than other types of visual or textual content. It is in this scenario that the branded podcast finds its place, developing storytelling consonant with the audience and akin to the brand’s core values, characterizing itself as an increasingly useful medium for connecting authentically with its consumers and for making its brand strong.

What is branded podcast

A branded podcast is a form of audio content created or sponsored by a brand with the goal of building a valuable relationship with the audience.

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Not a classic commercial, but a lighter and freer communication from the box in which content takes on value (also), which is not strictly related to something to be “advertised” and which must succeed in attracting users. In this way, the big brand leverages the podcast channel to get the word out and make itself known to listeners

Unlike more traditional sound advertisements or short radio commercials, in fact, the branded podcast does not aim exclusively at the immediate promotion of a product or service. Its strategic nature makes it functional in building a narrative that focuses on corporate values, stories or themes that espouse the brand identity itself, enriching the listener’s experience and creating an emotional connection.

Rather than “selling” or persuading, a branded podcast offers entertainment, education or information, developing content that resonates with the target audience: thus, it is not about producing audio content that conveys advertising messages, but creating true narratives, built with the goal of strengthening a brand’s identity and voice. This enriches the dialogue between consumer and brand, as well as reinforces brand awareness in a subtle but effective way.

What is interesting is that it can take many forms, from voice storytelling that illustrates the behind-the-scenes journey of creating a product, to educational episodes that position the brand as an expert in its industry, as it veers into topics much broader than the individual products or services on offer.

Branded podcasts: definitions, key features, and differences with other audio content

The reasons for the success and popularity of audio content produced and branded by large companies can be explained by the nature of the medium, the type of enjoyment, and the quality of these sound pills themselves. A branded podcast captures interest if it is thought of as a way of achieving unadvertising sound-storytelling that conveys emotional, iconic and value-based sensations.

Elements that fit perfectly with the audio channel, one of the most engaging from a sensory point of view, and with the habits of podcast users: most of this content is listened to via smartphone and at the same time as other activities (driving, public transportation trips, break times), and this ensures greater continuity of listening and a lower likelihood of ad-skipping, i.e., skipping the “promotional” parts.

Thus, the use of podcasts is not only a response to the growing demand for audio content, but a strategic choice that allows brands to position themselves as opinion leaders in key industries and consolidate trusted relationships with their stakeholders.

Indeed, storytelling in branded podcasts allows the brand to communicate without selling, to inform without seeming invasive, in line with the new expectations of users and consumers who are increasingly engaged by content that enriches their experience, without excessive interruptions.

From this perspective, the enormous advantages of the branded podcast over more traditional advertising techniques become evident: the aspect that makes it really interesting is precisely the consistent storytelling that goes beyond the product, because it interacts with the consumer’s daily life, nullifying the distance between brand and audience and establishing a lasting relationship of trust .

More specifically, a branded podcast clearly differs as much from traditional podcasts as it does from the simple audio sponsorships that often interrupt content on the radio or in streaming apps.

Traditional podcasts are generally created by independent individuals or groups, exploring topics of general interest, such as culture, science, or fiction; they often enjoy the support of external sponsors, who insert themselves through formulas such as “hosted by” or through simple commercials during the broadcast, but are not the real focus of the program.

In the case of the branded podcast, however, the content is designed and built around the brand itself. This does not mean that it is explicitly focused on the brand or its products: on the contrary, the brand intervenes indirectly, integrating itself into the narrative: it is not perceived as an advertising insert, but as the facilitator of that authentic narrative. In this sense, branded podcasts represent a more “authorial” and sophisticated medium, purpose-built to stimulate audience engagement and empathy without adopting a direct sales approach.

Compared to typical forms of audio sponsorships, which interrupt the flow of a piece of content to deliver a short promotional message, the branded podcast is not an interruption, but a piece of content in its own right, offering value and extending the life and narrative of a brand through a long, in-depth form. This absence of intrusive interruptions makes the listening experience much more fluid and enriching for the audience, who feels immersed in the story being told, never having the perception that they are simply “buying something.”

The importance of storytelling in branded podcasts

What really distinguishes the branded podcast, and is the key to its success, is precisely storytelling.

The podcast is a tool that puts the voice at the center and, because of this approach, allows you to build a deep connection with the listener. It is not just about conveying information or entertaining: the voice has the ability to convey emotions, to interact with the audience in a direct and personal way, making the stories told feel as if they were part of an intimate conversation.

But the branded podcast is not content with “just any” narrative. It must know how to build a clear thread, where the brand, though not always explicitly stated, serves as a facilitator of discussion, emotions and shared experiences. It is these stories that are able to resonate with the values of the target audience-educational, thoughtful, inspirational-that turn the listener into a true brand ambassador, without ever going through a promotional stretch.

In many cases, branded storytelling goes far beyond the product: it focuses on themes that create an identity bond between the brand and its audience. Think of the Dove podcast, which has done excellent work on the theme of natural beauty, using real-life stories that overturn the clichés of traditional aesthetics. This type of storytelling not only reinforces the emotional connection to the brand, but also positions the company, in a natural way, as a thought and value leader with respect to issues of great relevance to the audience.

The voice channel then serves to create an almost affective bond between brand and consumer, and thus serve companies to achieve the important goal of loyalty. Brand voice proves to be an ideal tool for capturing the fragmented attention of consumers who are always connected and on the move, engaging them in a narrative consistent with brand values and guiding them toward purchase through an emotional connection.

History of the branded podcast: from its origins to its impact today

Please note: we are not talking about a recent phenomenon or a passing fad. The roots of this medium go back to a time when podcasting itself was beginning to take hold as a more personal and focused form of entertainment and information than traditional media such as radio. However, the concept of branded podcasts has seen an evolution from often tentative experimental ideas to full-fledged tools integrated into the marketing strategies of global companies.

More specifically, the first concrete examples of branded podcasts date back to the first “podcasting era,” between the late 2000s and early 2010s, when the podcast phenomenon was gradually beginning to find its loyal audience. However, it is between 2014 and 2015 that we begin to see the first real signs of branded podcasts as we understand them today. A pivotal example is the launch of General Electric’s (GE) “The Message” in 2015, a science fiction podcast series produced by GE, which told an engaging story about mysterious alien radio signals, with a subtext focused on innovations and communication technologies.

It was an innovative and bold experiment : the product was never mentioned explicitly, yet in the background of the narrative, General Electric ‘s deep commitment to advanced technologies and innovation emerged. This podcast succeeded in transforming GE from a simple manufacturer of industrial technology to a storyteller that engaged its audience on a much deeper and more emotional level, associating the brand with concepts of the future and innovation .

What distinguished the first branded podcasts from the traditional format, therefore, was the organic integration of the brand into the narrative context: the brand takes a back seat as the promoter of the content and not the protagonist, paving the way for a new form of communication that is non-invasive and more respectful of audience engagement. This approach, new compared to classical forms of advertising, demonstrated how much more value could be offered to the audience than a simple promotional message.

The evolution: from experiment to strategic tool

Following the pioneering success of experiments such as “The Message,” the world of branded content podcasts has evolved rapidly, aided not only by the growing adoption of the podcast format as such, but also by the radical change in the way consumers interact with brands and media. More and more users have begun to embrace the podcast as a daily medium, leading marketing in general to adapt to these new modes of consumption.

From being considered a simple experiment in storytelling or brand expansion, the branded podcast has been progressively integrated into multichannel marketing strategies. This happened because brands realized that they could reach an audience in a much more personal way , capitalizing on long listening times and an absence of the invasive advertising interruptions that characterize other forms of digital promotion. This evolution was accelerated when podcasting platforms such as Spotify and Apple Podcasts began to grow exponentially, providing brands with dedicated channels and highly segmented audiences ideal for their content.

Not only big players in the business world, such as Microsoft, Red Bull, or Slack, began using branded podcasts as a marketing tool; smaller businesses and lesser-known brands also saw this form of content as a highly effective niche targeting opportunity. For example, Patagonia has used its podcast to tell stories of outdoor adventure and sustainability, increasingly positioning itself as a global leader in the environmental movement.

This evolution also comes through marketers’ ability to perceive the podcast as an experience integrated with the rest of digital marketing: audio content can be enhanced in synergy with social campaigns, video marketing, and written content, creating cross-channel interactions and optimizing the consumer attention cycle.

Finally, the real transformation of the branded podcast came when it was realized that it was no longer just an “audio experiment,” but a standalone channel with strategic value comparable to traditional tools such as native advertising. Today, the branded podcast is an increasingly common medium for companies that want to invest in deep, long-lasting content capable of cementing relationships with consumers and creating authentic connections based on shared interests and values.

The numbers of branded podcasting in Italy

Recent numbers strongly confirm that branded podcasting represents a formidable marketing opportunity for companies that want to expand their presence through innovative digital channels. In Italy, podcast consumption continues to grow: in 2024, 15.2 million Italians say they listen to podcasts, with 63 percent having listened to at least one branded podcast. The data show that there is no bias toward branded content: on the contrary, 53% of listeners appreciate brands that produce podcasts, highlighting the enormous power of this tool in creating affection.

The average listening time is around 35 minutes per daily session, and goes up to an hour for 17% of users , making the podcast one of the formats with the best engagement capacity. In addition, the advertising impact generated by the branded podcast is significant: 71% of podcast listeners remember hearing an advertisement, and, more significantly, 71% of those who remembered the advertisement took a concrete action, such as seeking more information (22%) or proceeding directly to purchase (15%).

These data, drawn from authoritative research such as that conducted by O.B.E. and Doxa, show that the branded podcast has enormous potential to improve brand awareness, create a stronger emotional connection with the audience, and directly influence buying behavior. Increasingly large and attentive audiences with high retention places the podcast in a central position within modern marketing strategies.

Some statistics on podcasts and users of this medium are also interesting: according to Edison Research, in the United States alone, regular users of audio content have almost doubled in ten years (from 9 to about 18 percent), and in 2018 as many as 48 million people in the U.S. listened to at least one podcast each week (6 million more than in 2017).

Numbers that can make companies jealous, especially when analyzed in light of this other data released by a report commissioned by the BBC a few years ago: brand mention in the podcast offers 16 percent higher average engagement and 12 percent higher recall capacity than other types of adv communication. The branded podcast (and podcast advertising in general) also elevates all other metrics that measure brand: awareness can gain by a return of 89 percent, brand consideration by 57, liking by 24, and purchase intent by 14.

Once again, these figures and this success can be explained by the way such content is enjoyed: the absolute majority of listeners consume podcasts while doing other activities, such as doing chores or driving (indicated by more than 60 percent of people), or again while exercising, shopping, and other personal errands. Thus, the podcast is entertainment that does not take away time, but is multitasking and allows companies to reach people in what was previously thought to be unreachable and private moments.

What a branded podcast is good for

The branded podcast can play crucial roles within a comprehensive, multichannel marketing strategy, and in particular it can become a mainstay in corporate storytelling operations, as long as the focus is on quality content and empathetic, consistent storytelling to reinforce and elevate brand positioning.

As seen, it represents a flexible resource that can adapt to a multitude of business objectives: from increasing brand awareness to converting audiences into loyal customers to strengthening brand trust and reputation through an ongoing dialogue with listeners. However, to take full advantage of this tool, the branded podcast must be seamlessly integrated within the company’s broader marketing strategy, in a manner consistent with the other tools used and the message the brand wishes to convey.

Each brand, in fact, may use the branded podcast differently depending on its goals, just as it may vary in the type of content it disseminates its storytelling. From this perspective, the real strength of the branded podcast lies in its ability to adapt messages and narratives to commercial objectives without ever seeming like a forced promotional tactic.

More specifically, evaluation and considerations of introducing the branded podcast within a marketing strategy must start with defining what the long-term goal is to be achieved. The podcast itself can serve to generate brand awareness, improve the retention of existing customers, or even directly drive the conversion of potential new consumers: the clearer one is about the goals, the more one can define content that reflects the customer journey of the target audience.

The key to success for any branded podcast, regardless of the end goals, lies in not forcing the promotion but in providing sincere and engaging value through the content offered. The more the listening experience is focused on building trust and less on explicit selling, the more likely the audience is to choose that particular brand in their decision-making process.

Why do brand podcasting

To clarify the strategic advantages of this channel, we can “listen” to the thoughts of some recognized experts.

For example, Chiara Luzzana, internationally renowned sound-teller and sound designer, notes how over the years brands have communicated mostly through images, videos and colors, but reiterates that the oldest and most effective language remains that of sound. It is sound that fixes emotions and creates empathy: today, brands experimenting with audio are not looking for just conventional sound, but for craftsmanship that combines artistic and technical skills, resulting in an authentic and distinctive voice for the brand. According to Luzzana, it is this purity of sound that nurtures the ability to tell a unique and compelling story.

In contrast,Steve Pratt, co-founder of Pacific Content-a content agency that works with prominent brands such as Slack, Dell and Facebook-offers a more technical view, emphasizing that the success of podcasts emerges from the decline of traditional forms of mass advertising. According to Pratt, branded podcasts are not simply commercials, but true quality shows designed to tell stories that capture and engage the attention of the now increasingly distracted and connected consumer. Today, every company can be considered a media company, and brand storytelling increasingly includes the voice dimension.

Extrapolating, we can say that there are at least three major strategic goals that we can achieve through this tool.

  • Increased brand awareness: for brands that want to make themselves known or position themselves more precisely within the market, a branded podcast becomes an excellent means of strengthening their presence. Through insights on brand-related topics, compelling narratives or conversations with industry experts, a company can reach wider and wider audiences, conveying a consistent message that associates the brand with distinctive solutions, values and skills. In this scenario, companies prioritize content that is more educational and informative, avoiding any commercial perceptions.
  • Strengthening loyalty: a branded podcast is an ideal tool for building an ongoing and long-lasting relationship with customers, offering them content that resonates with their needs and aspirations, thus maintaining a high level of engagement even after purchase. This tool keeps consumers’ interest alive by offering audio experiences that strengthen the emotional connection with the brand. With this in mind, a consistent and recurring narrative allows for capitalizing on the trust already established and deepening the bond with each new episode.
  • Improving conversions: although less direct than other marketing tactics, a branded podcast can also help convert listeners into customers. A relevant example would be a podcast that explores case studies, innovations, or specific uses of a product, guiding potential customers through discovery,interest , and ultimately a decision to purchase. The key aspect is that this success happens in an unobtrusive way, emphasizing the usefulness of the product indirectly through narrative engagement.

Brand storytelling and branded content podcast: how and why it changes the relationship with the audience

Brand storytelling has always been one of the most powerful tools in the marketing world, as it acts at an emotional level that simple sales strategies cannot reach. When this storytelling is declined in podcast format, the relationship with listeners changes radically: from simple consumers, they become active participants in a conversation. Audio, in fact, engages in a direct, intimate and personal way, and allows the brand to enter the listener’s private space, becoming almost a companion on a daily journey, a moment of reflection or entertainment.

Unlike a traditional advertising campaign, which targets vast audiences with standardized messages, a branded podcast allows for the construction of a story in which the brand is a guide and not the forced protagonist. It creates an engaging narrative where the brand aligns with audience values or themes relevant to its target consumers. In this way, the traditional boundaries of commercial communication are crossed, as the consumer feels part of the story, developing an empathetic and trusting relationship especially on topics that they feel are close to them.

In the context of branded content podcasts, storytelling plays a crucial role in solidifying the brand as an authority on shared values, reinforcing brand identity, and especially in being able to differentiate itself from competitors. Offering a well-constructed story through compelling episodes in which every detail-from the choice of voice to the sound effects-amplifies brand perception, makes the branded podcast one of the most powerful tools for creating lasting engagement and stimulating consumer advocacy .

How a branded podcast can strengthen branding

A branded podcast is therefore a strategic resource for strengthening brand identity on several levels: emotional, cognitive, and sensory.

Today, branding must not only be recognizable, but also be able to make its way into the values and thoughts of its audience in a consistent and meaningful way. Podcasts succeed in differentiating themselves precisely because of their ability to create a deep connection with listeners by harnessing the personal dimension of voice. The listening time of a podcast is significantly longer than other digital formats, and this offers companies a unique opportunity to convey their identity and cement a connection with their audience.

So when we talk about podcast branding , we are referring to much more than just a process of visual brand recognition. Audio allows a living picture to be painted through words, colored by the emotions that voice, sounds and stories evoked can inspire.

Podcast branding is an opportunity to bring to life an extended narrative about brand identity, amplifying it with details and nuances that other mediums cannot easily convey in such an engaging way. Through audio, companies can bring out their values , missions and, most importantly, connection with consumers, building a shared, intimate and empathetic experience.

Even those brands that already have a strong positioning can benefit from strengthening their identity through podcasting. The reason lies in the emotional impact of the voice, which can persuasively convey not only information, but also the nuances that make a brand unique. Branded podcast storytelling can be used to tell stories that represent the company’s founding values and highlight its ethics, making the message much more immediate and human than might be the case with more traditional forms of communication.

The key lies in the perceived value that the brand manages to convey through its content: it is not simply about disguised advertising, but about bringing emotion, inspiration and reflection related to issues dear to both the company and its audience. Think of how companies like Nike or Red Bull, famous for their already firm offline positioning, have managed to expand their identity through branded podcast practices that aim to promote performance, goal pursuit, and innovation-themes entirely consistent with their brand personality.

Through the branded podcast, the brand succeeds in affecting the consumer’s imagination: shared values and emotions connect with the brand in a subtle, almost imperceptible, but highly effective way because they strike the listener’s need to be in tune with the company. In sum, this medium helps the brand become memorable because it is linked to a personal, multisensory experience, not just a visual one as is usually the case with other marketing tactics.

Audio brand: sound, tone of voice, and consistency in strategies

Within the audio world, consistency is an indispensable element, especially when it comes to audio branding. Sound has a deeper influence than we might imagine, so much so that the definitions of sound identity and sound design are increasingly taking hold in modern branding strategies. A branded podcast represents a powerful tool for consistently building a brand’s sound identity : the voice used, the type of background music, and the sounds chosen are elements that help create a direct influence on the emotional and cognitive approach the user builds toward the brand.

The tone of voice, understood as the stylistic record of the message (whether irony, discreet call to action or deep reflection), is equally crucial. Just as the visual logo must be instantly recognizable, a brand’s tone of voice , in the aural environment, must also remain consistent to be identifiable to listeners. If, for example, your brand is associated with technological innovation or professionalism, the tone that will be used in podcasts should reflect this type of environment: from a calm, authoritative narrative voice, to the deliberate choice of associative sounds, capable of evoking certain feelings or settings.

A successful branded podcast succeeds in creating a true aural experience that connects the audio to the overall brand identity. Through careful planning of sound coherence , brands can clearly profile themselves in the minds of consumers. Think, for example, of McDonald’s famous musical jingle “I’m lovin’ it” or sounds as simple as Netflix’s audio feedback when opening its app. It is these sonically consistent repetitions that cement theaudio brand in the minds of the audience, and in the case of the branded podcast it is the entire structure of the content that must translate this consistency.

Music, sound effects, pronunciation, and rhythm are thus powerful tools for building a recognizable aural image, but it is the core message that ensures that the audio content accurately conveys the core values and tone of the brand. When these forms of communication are carefully linked, the result is a coherent and robust branding campaign that harmoniously engages all the spaces in which the brand operates, online and offline, whether visual or aural visibility.

The benefits for digital marketing

In an environment saturated with text and visual content, audio represents a formidable opportunity for brands that want to go beyond classic advertising content by providing authentic value to their listeners. More importantly, the branded podcast allows brands to diversify their content strategy, reaching an audience that increasingly seeks audio experiences, to be enjoyed during moments of multitasking.

By incorporating longer and more emotionally engaging content, the branded podcast thus builds a lasting relationship with the audience and strengthens the entire marketing ecosystem.

One of the key advantages of the branded podcast, from a digital marketing perspective, is precisely this ability to create deep and ongoing engagement with the audience. Listeners can identify with the stories being told, spending significant quality time with the audio content: podcasts are often listened to during commutes, leisure activities, or during breaks in the day, fostering much longer exposure than other formats, such as videos or social media posts that compete with countless other distractions. This makes the branded podcast an exceptional tool for building loyalty, as the listener’s lived experience is intimate and personal.

From a psychological point of view, the fact that the brain is already engaged in another activity enhances the ability of branded podcasts to creep in and achieve their goals: the audio message is received through a “low-involvement process,” which is much more efficient and lower cognitive load than other modes of communication, with effects on long-term engagement as well.

In fact, according to some studies, listeners are much more receptive to these messages: engagement rises by 18 percent, long-term memorization of the podcast by 22 percent, and emotional intensity by as much as 44 percent, a sign of a benevolent predisposition on the part of the user that can be more easily transformed into direct conversion.

Far from being perceived as intrusive advertising, the branded podcast stands as a vehicle for content that often enhances the listener’s quality of life: whether it is inspiring stories, insights into a specific industry, or useful reflections on the personal and work spheres, branded podcasts add value to the daily experience. This focus on perceived value automatically raises the level of engagement and enables brands to establish more authentic, lasting and meaningful relationships with audiences.

The audio format also enables indirect but engaging interaction, promoting conversations between users on social media, organic reviews within podcasting platforms, and community building around the content created. This organic, word-of-mouth engagement allows brands to expand their visibility naturally, increasing audience resonance and loyalty.

SEO and branded podcasts: how to optimize audio content

In addition to audience engagement, the branded podcast can also prove to be a great asset in terms of SEO and online visibility. While in the past optimization for online search was almost exclusively associated with text content, today the rise of audio and long-tail keyword-based audio content has brought important innovations in the field of SEO. There are several optimization techniques that can make a branded podcast visible to a large portion of the audience, especially in voice searches and results related to podcasting platforms.

One of the main tactics isoptimization through transcripts. Posting detailed transcripts of podcast episodes, including them as content within the company blog or website, allows you to intercept relevant search queries for Google. Users performing searches on certain topics covered in the podcast can thus indirectly access the audio content, improvingorganic indexing due to the presence of high-value keywords in the text.

In addition, podcast episode titles become particularly useful for SEO purposes. Therefore, it is crucial to use relevant keywords in titles and descriptions, as well as in captions and metadata on hosting platforms. Promoting the podcast through related content-articles, social media posts, teaser videos-can also help consolidate search engine rankings, increasing the visibility of the content.

An additional strategic aspect is to curate the podcast’s profile and description on dedicated platforms. As search engines refine their understanding of audio content, branded podcasts positioned correctly in terms of keywords will increasingly enter specific search results, improving discoverability on Google and other platforms.

How do you make a branded podcast?

After much theory, let’s also turn to some practical aspects.

Creating a branded podcast requires a clear and well-planned process that starts with a strategic vision and is implemented through a series of operational steps. The goal is always to create content that resonates with the audience, setting itself up as an integral part of the brand voice.

If we want to hypothesize a path, the first step is to define the concept. Any podcast must stem from a narrative consistent with a brand’s values: it should not be limited to changing projects or momentary occasions, but should be an integral part of its identity. It is necessary to research the audience, understand what the hot topics are, and build a compelling storytelling that succeeds in tying the brand to the content. In this step, the format of the podcast is also usually decided, which can vary greatly depending on the industry and business needs: from short, frequent episodes that provide quick updates, to more extensive podcasts that involve valuable interviews and insights.

Once this first phase is passed, content production comes into play. This is where the previous work comes to fruition: the choice of tone of voice , narrative style , and possible narrator voices (which can be internal or external to the brand) is critical to creating audience recognition and affinity. Equipping oneself with professional technical tools, such as a good microphone and access to editing software, is essential to maintain high audio quality , which is one of the standards most demanded by listeners.

The length of each episode is another critical element to consider. Recent studies have shown that, on average, 35 minutes per session is a good compromise to keep listeners’ attention. However, many brands are extending the length to an hour, offering episodes packed with interviews or content of great complexity. In any case, the key word is balance: it is important to avoid overly long episodes that risk losing ratings through inattention, but also very short episodes that do not leave enough time to build an effective narrative.

The issue of the cost of a branded podcast should not be overlooked, which can vary significantly depending on the resources employed. Production can cost from a few thousand to several tens of thousands per episode, depending on technical quality, the number of resources involved, and finishing. For a basic production, an initial cost of between 2,000 and 5,000 euros per episode can be estimated, while complex productions that include the involvement of professionals such as well-known speakers or experienced editors can go up to 20,000 euros or more .

A crucial point is then to choose whom to turn to for the creation of the branded podcast. There are many specialized agencies that offer complete services, from format definition to final production and distribution. However, in some cases, it may be advantageous to work with experts or creators who have already established a good relationship with the target audience to achieve a greater impact in terms of engagement.

How to manage a successful podcast

Once the branded podcast is launched, the real work of management and continuous improvement begins over the long term.

Among the factors that determine the success of a podcast over time, we cannot fail to mention the number of listeners: often, podcast producers tend to wonder how many listeners are “right” to consider a podcast successful. It is important to understand that there is no such thing as a fixed number. In corporate or B2B contexts, a highly qualified audience, perhaps consisting of a few thousand listeners, can be extremely more valuable than one achieved through mass campaigns on consumer products. Ideally, monthly audiences can still be monitored: an average of 2,000 to 3,000 listeners per episode is a good initial benchmark for assessing whether you are moving in the right direction.

An equally important aspect is how to integrate the podcast into the overall marketing strategy . In fact, the podcast should not exist alone, but be part of a broader brand narrative. By engaging it with other social media marketing, PR, or even physical events such as conferences and exhibitions, its overall effectiveness can be multiplied. Companies should therefore ensure that the podcast becomes an active piece in an ecosystem of channels, using posts on Instagram, Twitter, or LinkedIn to promote and amplify episodes, and linking it to other initiatives such as feature articles or collaborations with influencers. This cross-channel synergy will allow the podcast’s reach and engagement to grow over time.

Another benefit of the podcast is that, once published, the content remains available online for the duration of its relevance. Marked on the archives of major distribution platforms, episodes can continue to generate ratings long after they are launched-a unique feature compared to other media, such as social media or video, which tend to have a much shorter life cycle.

Finally, to make sure that the podcast is indeed a success, it is important to closely monitor ratings data . The platforms themselves such as Spotify, Apple Podcasts , and others offer analytics tools that provide detailed reports on users, such as their geolocation, listening trends, and device used. There are also more advanced third-party tools, such as Podtrac or Backtracks, that can analyze more subtle interactions and provide useful insights to further optimize future content. Analyzing these statistics allows you to constantly improve your strategy, refining the topics covered in episodes, the tone of voice, and even the length of episodes to keep engagement high.

Who needs a branded podcast: analysis of business types

The branded podcast offers opportunities to a wide range of businesses, but not all of them travel on the same track. While B2C brands can aim to expand their presence through impactful stories that entertain and inspire, B2B businesses can leverage the podcast to educate and instruct their audiences, establishing themselves as industry leaders.

The key is to diversify the approach according to the market, tailoring content for the specific audience the brand is targeting, be it end consumers or business customers.

In detail, B2C (business-to-consumer) companies target end consumers directly and may focus their narratives on personal or lifestyle issues, leveraging the podcast’s ability to create emotional experiences that directly engage the audience. The tone is often more conversational, playful, and marked by the telling of common experiences. For example, a fashion brand might develop a podcast that tells stories about creativity, identity or diversity, bringing the audience closer to the brand’s values in a natural way.

As for B2B (Business to Business) companies, the branded podcast takes on a more educational and informative role, as the goal is to reinforce their company’s positioning as an industry leader. Here content focuses on data, industry trends, best practices and case studies, using interviews with experts and narratives that demonstrate the company’s expertise. The tone becomes more professional and authoritative, aiming to gain the trust of business decision makers. For a corporate audience, the main objective might be to provide practical insights, offering listeners case studies, purely educational approaches or debates on industry trends, all to stimulate interest in the brand and strengthen lead generation.

For example, Salesforce with its branded podcast “Blazing Trails” explores technological innovations and practical cases on how companies can tackle digital transformation, affirming its expertise in this field. In this context, the branded podcast becomes a lead generation tool, creating conversations that can easily translate into business opportunities .

Best examples of successful branded podcasts

In recent years, the branded podcast has demonstrated its potential as a strategic marketing tool, and not a few brands have been able to use it effectively to strengthen their image, increase audience engagement , and, in many cases, expand their customer base. Successful podcasts have not just promoted products explicitly: they have harnessed the power of authentic storytelling to connect brands and audiences on meaningful and relevant topics.

Some industries have found branded podcasts particularly fertile ground. The technology sector, for example, is one of the most dynamic in branded podcasting, thanks to the ample space it allows to tell about innovations, trends , and current issues. The benchmark of excellence is Google, which with its podcast “Search Off the Record” offers digital professionals information directly from Search teams, thus managing to consolidate its leadership in the world of SEO.

The fashion industry has also seen the podcast as an ideal space to tell stories, explore new trends or enter into dialogue with creative and innovative figures. The “Gucci Podcast,” for example, allows the luxury brand to generate deep conversations around the world of fashion, exploring subjects related to sustainable fashion, creativity and art, bringing out the cultural and artistic value Gucci wants to represent.

Theentertainment industry has not been outdone, betting heavily on branded podcasts. Brands like Marvel have developed audio content that extends their fictional universe, taking fans inside the worlds of their favorite superheroes. These original stories align perfectly with their brand values of entertainment and immersion, solidifying audience loyalty in fun and creative ways.

Looking instead at winning examples of branded podcasts as a strategic communication vehicle through which to tell compelling stories and reinforce brand identity, the first thought runs to the aforementioned “The Message” produced by General Electric (GE). Launched in 2015, this science fiction podcast is an emblematic case of the power of storytelling aligned with a brand’s values; the project involved scriptwriters and storytellers to create a storyline that combined mystery and technology, two concepts central to GE’s image. Although the focus was not directly on the company’s products, the story conveyed a clear association between the brand and scientific and technological innovation, reinforcing the perception of GE as a pioneer of progress. The success of the series, with millions of listeners attracted to the serial format, highlighted the ability of the branded podcast to embrace and retain audiences through well-constructed and engaging content.

Another successful example is the podcast “Inside Trader Joe’s” , developed by the supermarket chain Trader Joe’s: this podcast allowed the brand to connect more closely with its audience, offering a behind-the-scenes look at the company’s business decisions and work culture. The podcast not only increased the perceived transparency of the audience, but also played a key role in improving the emotional connection with consumers, who see Trader Joe’s not only as a store, but also as a place with strong values and a passionate team. Here, the podcast served an educational and inclusive function that further strengthened the bond with regular listeners, increasing customer loyalty .

A particularly smart move was implemented by McDonald’s with its podcast “The Sauce,” devised in 2018 in response to the controversy revolving around Szechuan sauce, mentioned in the animated series “Rick and Morty.” McDonald’s choice to respond to pop-cultural curiosity through a podcast demonstrates how the brand has been able to use this tool to strengthen its connection with the public, using direct and humorous storytelling. The podcast had the effect of amplifying media buzz, harnessing pop culture and showing how McDonald’s was able to adapt quickly to contemporary trends, demonstrating proximity to fans and responsive communication .

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Standing out in the B2B business world is the “Race at Work” podcast produced by Deloitte, which addressed some of the most sensitive and current issues in the world of work, such as diversity and inclusion. This podcast positioned Deloitte as an opinion leader on ethics in the workplace, confirming the firm’s ability to address critical and socially impactful topics. With conversations enriched by influential guests and direct testimonials, “Race at Work” further solidified Deloitte ‘s position not only as a business advisor, but also as a promoter of responsible and inclusive practices. This example is emblematic for podcasts aimed at business audiences, where the focus is not just on entertainment, but on providing educational value through discussion among professionals.

Further demonstrating the versatile potential of the branded podcast is “Twenty Thousand Hertz,” created by Defacto Sound, a company specializing in sound design. This podcast focuses on the power of sound and its cultural and emotional importance, exploring stories behind iconic sounds that are part of our everyday lives. Twenty Thousand Hertz ‘s approach is not limited to pure storytelling, but takes on the function of reinforcing the brand’s sound identity , helping to position Defacto Sound as a benchmark in sound experience design and production. This podcast has welcomed a wide audience of enthusiasts and industry insiders, with the intent not only to educate about the power of sound, but also to elevate Defacto ‘s status as an absolute expert in the field.

The lesson we learn: how to achieve goals

These examples demonstrate how companies have realized the potential of branded podcasting to build a stronger and more lasting connection with their audiences by leveraging original and engaging narratives. Through carefully crafted narrative formats accompanied by high-quality productions, the brands mentioned above have managed to position themselves not only as providers of products or services, but as creators of value for their audience.

The key aspect that unites these podcasts is the ability to strengthen the brand and optimize the relationship with the audience without appearing too commercial. Specifically, they have leveraged:

  • Authentic value: each of these branded podcasts provides useful and interesting contributions to their target audience. The value perceived by listeners goes beyond pure advertising and results in useful information, entertainment, or a new perspective on a topic of interest.
  • Engaging narrative: the dominant aspect in all of these success stories is storytelling. Being able to create an immersive story that captures attention without sounding like a promotional tool has been one of the main reasons why these brands have achieved significant results in terms of awareness and loyalty.
  • Identification of audience values: these podcasts were able to intercept themes and topics that reflected audience values, creating content that strengthened the relationship between the audience and the brand.
  • Consistency in branding: each podcast is perfectly aligned with the brand’s goals and vision, providing a consistent message visually, sonically, and conceptually. This helps strengthen the entire brand identity effectively.

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