SEOZoom Case study: consultancy in the service of

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Our regular SEOZoom case study series now features Marco Aurelio Cutrufo, a certified specialist in digital reputation for individuals and businesses – who we have already met in an in-depth article on brand reputation, a subject in which he is an expert – who wanted to share with the entire community a case study on the success of his company in serving the client, the website of a Medical Centre specialising in aesthetic medicine and nutrition in Rome.

The situation before the intervention

The description prior to the consultation allows us to understand the state of the centre’s website which, as Cutrufo explains, had:

  • Less than 7 visits per month and not on target
  • Domain was not positioned for any keywords relevant to the sector.
  • Domain did not generate leads.

In more analytical terms, the doctor’s office was non-existent from a competitive point of view in the market and in particular had no organic visibility; in particular, the site did not provide in-depth content in the subject that could attract the interest of a selected target, and from a technical point of view was also outdated and not fully functional. All this contributed to creating a very low perception of the brand, which did not correspond to the real quality and prestige of the professionals of the Roman medical practice.

The results 8 months after the start of work

In just five months – and with maximum effectiveness eight months after the work began – the results have already become visible, with noticeable improvements in several areas. In particular, Cutrufo tells us, in this period:

  • Traffic volume has reached 2000 per month, with peaks of 3000.
  • Values have risen to ZA= 35; TRUST= 37; STABILITY= 32; OPPORTUNITY= 33.

Schermata di SEOZoom per il sito medico

Analysing the effects of the consultancy in a broader way, the website managed to be positioned both for short keywords (e.g. mole removals) and for long tail keywords (e.g. laser hair removal centres in Rome) in the sector and niche, exceeding 90% of direct and organic competitors at national level and obtaining 43% of the keywords positioned on the first page of Google.

In addition, for some specific keywords linked to top treatments, the medical practice also appears in position 1 on Youtube, as in the case of the query “non-surgical lifting rome“, for which ad hoc created content is well positioned. Thanks to a link building and digital PR campaign, the doctor’s practice has been mentioned in more than 10 authoritative publications and blogs, while the content creation strategy implemented with the creation of an in-depth blog (which presents, for example, advice for patients) allows the site to intercept targeted traffic in an organic way, generating leads.

These are just some of the results obtained from articles created and optimised according to Workengo’s guidelines:

Rendimento articoli del sito

Main effects of consultancy work

Thanks to the consultancy work supervised by Cutrufo, the practice has reaped a number of concrete results from the application of the strategy, namely:

  • The positioning obtained on Google is quite stable over time and allows the practice to save resources that can be reinvested in other marketing activities.
  • The brand is perceived as much more useful and authoritative among its target audience.
  • It obtains interested target leads.
  • The gap between real and perceived quality is bridged, restoring honour and authority to the professionals working in the practice.
  • He is able to hold prestigious positions in SERP, contending with his competitors.
  • Its negotiating power has become stronger with an improved reputation.

The strategy used to relaunch the site

In concrete terms, the strategy for relaunching the site was quite extensive and involved several areas of optimisation and tools. As Marco Aurelio tells us, it was based in particular on:

  • Carrying out a market research on a national level and then focusing on some American benchmarks to design the most effective and modern restyling of the website.
  • Migration of the website onto high performance Siteground web hosting and WordPress platform in order to have maximum versatility in the creation and implementation of features and performance of the new site, compatible with SEO best practices.
  • Redesign of the user experience and graphics, to renew the brand by creating the naming and logo, carried out by Workengo’s web designer with the support of reputation manager Marco Aurelio Cutrufo.
  • Analysis of the medical sector in order to apply marketing rules in a way that is compatible with the code of ethics and to identify average patient user behaviour.
  • Analysis of the client’s main needs, understanding which treatments and themes the brand had to master at a communicative level in order to intercept interested traffic.
  • Performing a keyword research with SEOZoom to identify short and long industry keywords, focusing on those with less competition, more search volume and more opportunity.
  • Using SEOZoom to monitor and study direct and organic competitors, to identify new search terms and attack new strategic keywords to start competing seriously organically.

When the new, fast and SEO-structured website was finally published, a blog section was opened for specific in-depth articles, which often reached the first page on Google. In addition, to boost the website and reach the first pages and top positions in the shortest possible time, a meticulous and structured digital PR and link building campaign was launched, which provided important results.

Ultimately, says Cutrufo, the monitoring, the writing of articles from an SEO perspective, the maintenance of the site and content, the selection of authoritative sources that linked to the website, but above all the initial strategy and study paid off, taking the site to a completely different level of quality and perception, both by users and by the search engine.

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