SEOZoom’s case study: how to make a SEO consultancy effective

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In the past few months we have listened to all kind of  SEOZoom’s users, sharing with you a fair amount of successful stories about their winning use of our suite’s SEO tools; up until now, the main characters of these stories have been the same owners and managers of the projects that, rolling up their sleeves, have put themselves to work with it firsthand. Today, instead, we will host a SEO consultant, Leonardo Guerrini, that is willing to recount the SEO project he has lately handled about the website.

The optimization of Brescia Pet Grooming Salon

This kind of website is selling pet accessories, dogbeds and wooden doghouses in particular, reporting to “Mangiar da Cani”, a physical shop in Brescia’s province. Leonardo Guerrini, web marketing freelancer specialized in SEO projects (and WMI’s Connection Manager for about a month now), has worked side by side his client focusing on the kind of articles useful to the core business, establishing fixed goals: to enhance the website’s visibility and to increase its  online sellings.

When the web marketing project with Mangiar da Cani began, says our user, “the website was a static version that did not fit mobile screens and with a very low rank on search engines”. A quick look at Web Archive would easily show how the pages were before the intervention: we are talking about March 2018 and the serious need of improvements was crystal clear!

The improving works on the website

The new version of the website went online on December 2018, but the SEO analysis needed to uncover its potentials began a couple of months prior, Leonardo says. At the beginning, he confesses, “I hadn’t a SEOZoom subscription yet (sic!), that’s why I had to borrow it from a client of mine that very kindly agreed to let me use it for the first analysis” …and to know about it, for that matter.

Using SEOZoom to analyze and optimize web pages

First, I have used the SEOZoom’s section called “Analyze” and the  “Quick Audit” feature in particular, that “let me had a summarized report, with two main benefits:

  • On one hand, I was immediately able to get the website starting point and his unexpressed potentials concerning its rankings.
  • On the other, Quick Audit allowed me to send my client a summarized report, easy to read even for people who are not in this field”.

Our consultancy’s starting point

Before SEO interventions and restyling, this website had a Zoom Authority of 20, about 60 viewers on average every month and 360 keywords ranked on Google. Our first step “was to transfer the website on  WordPress, using a light template with a clean code (Generate Press), plus a more performing hosting. Following your webinars’ guidelines, I have adjusted in a more diversified way the URL, title and every page’s H1 entering different keywords in order to try and intercept the widest number of Google searches. The more, the better.”.

Andato sito caso studio  

Every tool to optimize contents

Once we’ve done that and optimized the images, “we had to work hard on texts, to optimize them based on the most significant keywords for my client’s business”.

SEOZoom has reveiled itself as pivotal in this sensitive phase of onpage optimization, especially the “Editorial Tools” section, where the features “Suggest keyword per article” and “Sample Article” allowed Guerrini to find out minor and correlated words  to a main keyword, even suggesting where to put the H1, H2 and H3 headings  inside the page.

The importance of Projects in a more professional job

As the new website was going online, proceeds to recount our user, “I have finally bought the Start annual subscription and gained the chance to create a project related to this site, in order to always monitor the most relevant keywords”. Doing that, it was possible to analyze their daily performance in SERP, especially after the significant amendments to texts.

Zoom Authority caso studio

The results of SEOZoom’s optimization

A few months of SEO activity have gone by and we didn’t have to wait for results: today our ranked keywords have incremented from 360 to about 760, the ZA from 20 a 36 and the monthly search volume from 60 to 1662!

Grafico SEOZoom distribuzione keyword

In particular, last year’s performance of highlights an extimated organic traffic of 1.662 visits, with an increment of 4.279,23% compared to previous year; still a low volume but that’s an indication of positive trends to the site. Even last trimester’s performance is on the plus side, with an increment of  153,78% compared to the previous trimester, confirming us that the website’s activities are adequate and Google is appreciating our work and the offered contents.

Keywords’ distribution and competitors’ analysis

Our thoughts were confirmed by the keywords’ distribution analysis in Google pages too: today our website’s keywords are featured on first page with a 25% rate, with a 30% rate on second page (keywords with potential), while the remaining 45% is settling down between third and fifth page. Working on the 556 potential keywords makes possible to increase the ranking, trying to take them into the TOP 10 for an immediate traffic’s increment with the right activities.

The other work to do is the build up of strengths against other field competitors, because the site is competitive right now, but a bit left behind on main keywords.

Practical effects: the increase of estimates and sellings

This SERP enhancements resulted in a decisive increasing of estimate requests and actual sellings, and Leonardo is providing us with practical data: in the first 9 months of 2019 our client sold 87 items among dogbeds, wooden doghouses and wooden crates, compared to the 36 items in the same amount of time last year, and every single one of this contacts originate almost exclusively from Google, because he hasn’t bought any online ads in months.

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