New superpowers for copywriters: here are the two new AI tools

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Two new superpowers for strategic copywriting! SEOZoom continues to enhance the toolbox it provides copywriters and content creators with the integration of two new artificial intelligence-based features, AI Assistant and Generative Fill. The former acts as a true virtual assistant and reviews each text in multiple aspects-from readability to fluency to consistency and reader engagement. Generative Fill, on the other hand, allows us to create new portions of text or refine existing ones directly in the editor, simplifying the creative process and offering a dynamic solution to quickly adapt content to the needs of the project. With these features, we can optimize our content more efficiently and strategically, increasing the chances (and ease) of producing high-quality text capable of meeting both positioning goals and reader expectations.

What is SEOZoom’s AI Assistant: comprehensive text review and optimization

AI Assistant is the feature that integrates and further refines the work you can do within SEOZoom’s Editorial Assistant, and especially with generations of AI Writers.

Use your new superpowers now!
Create, revise and refine your SEO content quickly, strategically and without compromising text quality

As the name suggests, it is an intelligent assistant at our service, capable of performing a thorough evaluation of the content we have produced from multiple perspectives. It does not limit itself to a superficial check of the SEO relevance of the text, but performs a real X-ray of the content, analyzing numerous factors that influence not only search engine rankings , but also and especially the quality perceived by users.

From a technical point of view, AI Assistant divides the text analysis into specific areas, each of which examines essential parameters to ensure that the content meets SEO standards and provides a smooth and engaging reading experience.

How SEOZoom’s AI Assistant works

Specifically, this tool works on five main macro-categories.

  • SEO Analysis and relevance

AI Assistant’s first step is to check how relevant the text is to the main keyword and its related keywords. Specifically, it examines the relevance of the text, checks whether we have comprehensively covered all aspects related to the topic, and how well the content reflects the intent of the user performing the search (whether it is an informational, navigational, or commercial intent). This focus allows us to keep the content optimized in its crucial parts for SEO.

  • Content quality and structure

The AI Assistant then goes on to examine the overall structure of the text, verifying that it is well organized, with clearly and fluidly formatted paragraphs. The readability of the content is also analyzed, to see if it is easily usable by readers, and its fluency, to eliminate long-winded or redundant sections. This feedback helps to improve the presentation of the text, making it more enjoyable to read and keeping the audience’s attention.

  • Accuracy and style

In addition to the structural side, AI Assistant looks for details related tothe accuracy of the text, focusing on aspects such as grammar, consistency and conciseness. If there are inconsistent terms or stylistically weak passages, the tool flags the problem and recommends how to improve. It suggests, for example, maintaining a uniform style and appropriate terminological precision , ensuring that each concept is expressed in the correct way.

  • Creativity and engagement

Another crucial aspect is the ability to engage the reader. AI Assistant assesses the emotionality of the text and its persuasiveness, indicating whether the language used can prompt the user to take action (such as a purchase or sign-up) or elicit emotional involvement. It also controls lexical variety, to avoid language that is too repetitive, encouraging creativity in writing.

  • Fruition and reading time

Finally, AI Assistant highlights indications of content reading time and overall length in relation to both competition and user expectations. Knowing how long it will take to read the content, and whether the structure is in line with the reader’s expectations, allows further refinement of the text to optimize not only SEO, but also the user experience.

How to use AI Assistant in SEOZoom

Using AI Assistant in SEOZoom is easy and intuitive: once the text is written within the editor, just activate its functionality through a simple command. The system will analyze all the items we have described in real time and provide a detailed evaluation with customizable suggestions based on the set goals.

Each suggestion can be accepted and applied directly, without having to leave the editor, allowing you to immediately optimize the text and drastically shorten revision time. It is possible to request an analysis for a cost of 0.20€ per text, while individual revision operations are free of charge, making the process definitely accessible and customizable.

In addition, it is not mandatory to accept all of the assistant’s recommendations: suggestions are designed to provide improvement support that takes into account specific cases, but the final decision is always up to us. In short, there is no need to follow every indication of the AI Assistant to the letter, but it is possible to sift through changes on a case-by-case basis to ensure a result that also respects the client’s personal or requested stylistic intention.

Another outstanding feature of AI Assistant is its ability to work on texts written in multiple languages, supporting copywriters moving through multilingual digital landscapes without altering the integrity of the original text. In fact, it recognizes the language of the content and makes suggestions consistent with it, facilitating those who must write or revise content in languages other than Italian or English.

SEOZoom’s Generative Fill: what it is and how it works

The other major innovation introduced by SEOZoom is Generative Fill, which represents an authentic “creative field” in which you can manipulate or generate text directly in the platform’s editor without needing to resort to external tools.

Schermata della nuova funzione SEOZoom

If AI Assistant allows us to revise and humanize the article, with this feature we can do fine tuning on the text, taking quick and targeted action to improve the content. All without ever leaving the writing page.

Its operation is simple: it is activated by selecting a portion of text with the mouse, or by right-clicking and choosing the Generative Fill option from the drop-down menu. From there you can provide custom input, which artificial intelligence uses to generate a new version of the text or to process additional content. Whether it’s rewriting a sentence to make it more punchy or expanding a section to flesh out the details of a topic, it all happens directly in the editor, optimizing time and resources.

But what makes Generative Fill particularly useful is its flexibility of use: it is perfect especially for those who need to save time in writing or revising text, without compromising final quality. But it can be used to quickly process new ideas, make a title more punchy, improve the conciseness of the text, rephrase an unclear sentence, to develop arguments that need more depth, or to add paragraphs in which to insert strategic keywords that we have not covered adequately.

For example, we can select an existing portion of text and ask the AI to rethink it to make it more appealing or concise, adapt it to different contexts, such as a blog or ecommerce, or integrate specific keywords:each change occurs in real time in the editor, dramatically speeding up the time it takes to revise and refine the content.

With the ability to respond to specific inputs, the tool adapts to different needs of the copywriter, from drafting to final revision. And in particularly hectic contexts, such as managing a blog with multiple articles to be created or optimized on a daily basis, Generative Fill becomes an indispensable ally because it makes content creation work increasingly fluid and strategic .

Not just text: image creation with AI

With the latest update SEOZoom also goes beyond just writing, and among the new features of the Editorial Assistant we find the ability to generate images via AI directly from the editor, based on the descriptions that we can enter in the appropriate box. This means we can get images consistent with the text and optimized for the needs of our content without leaving the platform.

Images are customizable to the specifics required (e.g., size, orientation, quality), thus avoiding the time-consuming search on external platforms or the purchase of paid resources.

This feature proves particularly useful for those who manage visual content on websites and e-commerce: a relevant, custom-generated image not only enriches the article or page, but also increases users’ visual engagement.

The evolution of content creation with SEOZoom.

Although artificial intelligence tools such as ChatGPT are becoming increasingly popular and have introduced similar functionality, the real strength of SEOZoom-which is reflected in both AI Assistant and AI Canvas-is the direct connection with real-time SEO data.

Harness our superpowers for copy
SEOZoom’s tools help you make your texts perfect

Every element produced through AI in our software is always designed to maintain the SEO relevance of the content, and every change or text generation respects the ranking criteria already set by the user.

Thanks to this approach, SEOZoom consolidates itself as an unbeatable platform in providing comprehensive support to those working in digital content creation even “extra-SEO,” as our Ivano Di Biasi will explain in his speech at the upcoming Marketers World.

It is no longer just about writing texts with AI, but going beyond that by always keeping strategic writing at the center of the entire generation process, and thus optimizing the workflow of all kinds of copywriters and content managers and making it even more effective all stages of the process, from production to final review and optimization.

For example, after conducting solid keyword research using the platform’s advanced tools, we can proceed to text creation through AI Writer, which allows us to generate SEO-oriented content with artificial intelligence that is already optimized based on the selected keywords. Once the text has been processed AI Assistant comes into play , which performs an in-depth analysis of the content, evaluating key aspects such as relevance, readability, consistency and reader engagement. Each suggestion provided by the AI Assistant is designed to improve the overall quality of the text without losing sight of SEO optimization.

Finally, with Generative Fill we can further refine the content directly from the editor, rewriting or expanding parts of the text in a targeted way without ever interrupting the workflow. Whether we are refining the tone of the text, enriching a section with related information, or improving conciseness, the tool allows us to make changes in real time, based on the specific needs of the project.

What makes these tools essential is not only their ability to optimize time and improve productivity, but also the fact that everything is done without ever losing sight of the strategic goals: each step, from keyword research to content generation and editing, is done while keeping all SEO criteria centered, following the best practices required by search engines and, above all, respecting the canons of readability and user interest.

With tools that are easy to use, but powerful in their ability to improve each step of the process, SEOZoom makes it possible to address all challenges related to digital content creation effectively, accurately and always optimally, representing the tool where SEO and creativity meet in the most natural way possible.

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