AI, e-Commerce and GA4: upcoming events with SEOZoom

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It’s going to be a really interesting quarter! In fact, the last part of the year offers us many digital marketing events at which SEOZoom will not only be present, but also a protagonist, with speeches that will focus on pressing topics such as the applications of Generative Artificial Intelligence in marketing and SEO. In particular, our CEO Ivano Di Biasi will be present on several stages, contributing to the most advanced discussions regarding the future of SEO for AI, data management and analytics, and the challenges facing industry professionals. Let’s get ready to head out to discover what lies ahead!

In Giffoni for the E-commerce HUB: the future of artificial intelligence in e-commerce content

The first date to mark in your agenda is October 4, 2024, when theE-commerce HUB will be held in Giffoni, in the province of Salerno.

Ivano Di Biasi will take the stage in the Blue Room for a talk that will be particularly relevant for those who run an e-commerce business and want to understand how new technologies, particularlygenerative AI, can transform one of the most crucial activities: the creation and optimization of product sheets.

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In his speech dedicated to how to leverage generative artificial intelligence for this purpose, Ivano will explain how to optimize the process of creating such boards, making it not only more efficient, but also of better quality to rank better on the SEO side as well, also using the AI Tools that SEOZoom has specially developed. The goal? Leverage AI to take care of operational tasks, leaving space and resources to improve the aspects that now matter most to Google: brand authority and the application of EEAT principles.

Alongside Ivano Di Biasi, the event will feature national and international speakers such as Paolo Picazio (Country Manager Italy of Shopify), Valentina Pontiggia (director of the eCommerce B2C Observatory of the Politecnico di Milano), Francesco Porcarelli (Amazon Shipping Italia) and Francesco Chiappini (CEO of Ecommerce School): a mix of voices that promises to provide entrepreneurs and practitioners with a comprehensive view of how e-commerce is evolving and what technologies are driving these transformations.

For those who work in the e-commerce world and are trying to anticipate market trends, attendingE-commerce HUB is an unmissable opportunity to gain new skills and understand how to prepare for the future of AI and SEO interaction .

Marketers World: how AI is transforming digital content

We then move on to Rimini for Marketers World – scheduled for October 19-21, 2024 – long one of the most anticipated events for those in the online business sector.

And it is here that Ivano will give a talk focused on how to make the most ofgenerative AI to produce high-converting digital content. This is a central theme, highlighting how content creation is no longer just the preserve of human creativity, but is evolving into a combination of technology and strategy.

In his speech, Ivano will show how to adopt a new vision to stand out in the creation of blog posts, video scripts, and product sheets. Thanks toAI capabilities, texts can be created that not only improve SEO rankings, but also effectively dialogue with the user, driving them to action and improving conversion rates. Practical cases will be illustrated, with the use of SEOZoom as a key tool for producing optimized content.

Marketers World is known for being an event that combines innovative visions and charismatic speakers, providing a mix of practical training for an audience that aims to change the rules of the game in the online business world. This year’s program is again very rich in insights, thanks to speakers selected not only for notoriety but also for their ability to share tangible and inspiring stories. Among others, Dario Vignali and Francesco Agostinis, co-founders and leading members of the Marketers Company, will take the stage and offer their insights on the transformation that digital marketing is undergoing, and then also Luca Mazzucchelli (psychologist, psychotherapist, entrepreneur), Nicoletta Romanazzi (mental coach specializing in sports coaching and top performance), MR Nobody (YouTuber, author, podcaster and serial traveler) and Arianna Cavina (digital entrepreneur, social media & business coach), proving a focus that ranges from digital entrepreneurship to business psychology and cge makes the event a unique opportunity for freelancers and digital entrepreneurs who want to update their skills and discover new marketing methodologies.

Not just SEO: at GA4 Summit for talks about data, marketing and analytics

From October 25-26, 2024, Bologna will host the GA4 Summit, Italy’s leading event dedicated to Google Analytics and everything related to data management, analysis and exploitation.

The GA4 Summit represents a unique educational opportunity for digital marketing professionals, e-commerce managers and anyone working on the web, providing concrete insights on how to work with Google Analytics 4 data to gain a competitive advantage. SEOZoom will be present as a sponsor and Ivano will be engaged in a training session on a topic that touches the heart of modern SEO: traffic quality.

In an era whenartificial intelligence is changing the way information is sourced and analyzed, our CEO will provide insights on how to analyze and improve a site’s organic traffic to attract the right visitors. His talk, titled “Before you measure traffic, you must choose it, ” will examine how to build a targeted data strategy and how to make sure that SEO traffic is not only quantitatively relevant, but more importantly qualitatively effective in terms of conversions and engagement.

Joining him will be high-profile international professionals, such as Karolina Wrzask of Google, known for her work as Advertising Solutions Architect; Denis Golubovsky, one of the world’s leading experts on Server-Side Tracking; Ibrahim Elawadi, Global Director Marketing Analytics at Philips; and of course the host, Matteo Zambon. Their talks will explore the integration between digital platforms and how to best interpret data collected with GA4, giving attendees a comprehensive overview of how to employ advanced tools to optimize online marketing strategies.

Optimizing to be elected by AI: the focus of Advanced SEO Tool

A few days later, on October 30, 2024 to be precise, the new edition of Advanced SEO Tool will be held in Milan, Italy, the event that gathers the best technical SEO professionals in Italy and is characterized precisely by its very vertical approach. In this case, Ivano Di Biasi ‘s participation will focus on a crucial and particularly advanced topic: optimizing content so that it is chosen by artificial intelligence-based search engines.

In his talk, Ivano will show concrete strategies for making AI search engines choose their own content as answers to be provided to users. This is an innovative nuance to traditional SEO, where the parameters of relevance, readability, and user intent must be adapted for cognitive computing. In support of this goal, as per the distinctive “nature” of the event, practical experiments conducted directly with SEOZoom, which enhances the interaction between well-structured content, semantics, and AI technologies, will be presented.

In addition to that of our CEO, the valuable contribution of Elisa Contessotto – who with her case study on “how to make an empty site rank” has already won the award for “Best Advanced SEO Test” in 2022 – is also planned. On this occasion, our trainer will present a specific test on how to optimize the visibility of your content to be chosen by artificial intelligence.

This “Smash Google” edition will allow participants to acquire notions that are not only theoretical, but also useful for their daily work through the sharing of case studies and advanced research. Participants also include many national landmarks in the SEO industry, such as Giorgio Taverniti, co-founder of Search On Media Group, Alessio Turriziani, Mariachiara Marsella, Martino Mosna, Giovanni Sacheli and Demetrio Orecchio.

Generative-AI WEEK: an event completely dedicated to AI.

Speaking of verticality,Generative Artificial Intelligence will take center stage during Generative-AI WEEK (Nov. 18-22, 2024), the online event organized by the platform “Artificial Intelligence Explained Simply” and dedicated to those who want to learn how to implement generative AI in their businesses. With more than 7,500 expected participants and a panel of more than 250 speakers, it stands to be one of the largest Italian events in the field.

Among the featured speakers will be Ivano Di Biasi, who will talk about the practical solutions offered by SEOZoom to help businesses generate high-converting content with generative AI. The combination of copywriting skills and SEO specialist will be the main focus of his talk, showing how companies can optimize their content not only for traditional search engines, but also for AI that is changing the way information is filtered and used.

The week will consist of moments of interviews with CEOs and managers who are developing successful solutions in the field ofGenerative AI, as well as demos of innovative tools. Also scheduled are contributions from the event’s founders, Pasquale Viscanti and Giacinto Fiore, leading figures in theAI communityin Italy, authors of books and speakers at major international events.

For those who are interested in understanding howGenerative AI can transform not only SEO but also business decision-making, attending the Generative-AI WEEK is a unique opportunity to learn from the experiences of industry leaders and to get up-to-date on the most innovative and performing tools.

Search Marketing Connect: SEO in the age of artificial intelligence.

This packed calendar of events comes to a close (for now!) onDecember 11 and 12, 2024, when Search Marketing Connect, one of the longest-running and most anticipated events for SEO and digital marketing professionals in Italy, will be held in Bologna . This year, inevitably, much of the focus will be on the SEO adjustments required by emerging AI search engines and the need to develop new content marketing strategies.

Ivano Di Biasi will be one of the protagonists of this important event with a speech – again! dedicated to the topic of SEO for AI. Ivano will explore how to change perspective from the traditional use of artificial intelligence: it is not just about relying on AI to write texts, but rather about creating content that is specially optimized and able to stand out in the eyes of AI search engines as potentially relevant responses. Participants will have the opportunity to understand how to move from current SEO to an “AI-centric” approach, with insights that can be applied immediately to improve one’s visibility on next-generation search engines.

Alongside Ivano, there will be international speakers such as Sara Fernández Carmona (International SEO Consultant), Giorgia Zambianchi (Group Performance Marketing Specialist, De’Longhi Appliances) and Aleyda Solis, who will offer their insights on the impacts that the AI era is already having on search engines and, more generally, on useful strategies to grow business. Search Marketing Connect is a must-attend event for anyone involved in digital marketing who wants to stay competitive in an ever-changing technology landscape.

The underlying lesson: the need for continuous innovation

Even at a quick glance, we can already guess what the trend – the common thread – is that distinguishes these events, which also mark the path and challenges that industry professionals are facing.

In this sense, the usefulness of being able to rely on a cutting-edge platform like SEOZoom, which truly continues to evolve to anticipate and respond to new digital marketing needs, also emerges.

Consider one of the latest additions to our toolbox, the Question Explorer: in a context where FAQs are increasingly replacing traditional keywords as the fundamental unit of online searches, the Question Explorer allows SEOZoom users to identify all relevant questions revolving around a topic or niche market. Since AI search engines such as SearchGPT will rely heavily on queries formulated in natural language, the Question Explorer is crucial for developing content marketing strategies that accurately address user needs.

But we don’t stop only at innovation related to Generative AI: while constantly looking to the future, we certainly don’t neglect the dynamics of traditional SEO and the need to optimize content for Google! This is especially evident in the context of a very topical and worrying phenomenon for many SEO professionals, the infamous 45.46%. In fact, SEOZoom has thoroughly analyzed the current situation, noting how Google tends to bring up the same sites over and over again for a wide range of keywords, resulting in much of the search results being monopolized by a limited group of very authoritative domains.

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This dynamic has significantly reduced the effectiveness of the strategy related to the long tail keywords, once essential to allow even the smallest sites to carve out a space in the SERPs. In response to this problem, we have developed a tool designed precisely to identify new opportunities for visibility, despite the limitations imposed by SERPs dominated by the usual knowns. Opportunity Finder was designed specifically to help users discover those niches and keywords that are less saturated, allowing them to continue to optimize content and climb positions in Google searches, despite the imbalance due to the 45.46%.

With the support of tools like these, SEOZoom remains the benchmark for those who intend to create high-converting content, optimized for classic search engines and even newer AI-based ones. Not just traditional SEO, then, but a new forward-looking approach that adapts to the trends imposed by emerging technologies.

Focusing on professional training

Theoretical discussions, but also and above all insights, practical applications and reflections on how to make the most of new technologies to boost online marketing results .

These SEO and digital marketing events that await us in the coming quarter will allow people to keep up-to-date with new trends, but above all to understand how to implement concrete innovations in their projects right away.

The presence of SEOZoom and Ivano Di Biasi is an important reason for anyone wishing to improve their digital strategy, especially regarding the growing role ofArtificial Intelligence in search engines and the production of high-converting content. In addition, they are opportunities to learn directly from internationally recognized experts and to take practical insights that can be used immediately. In our work, it remains crucial – and fun! – the ability to network with like-minded professionals who share the same challenges and offer, at the same time, a fresh perspective on your business.

So attending one or more of these events means listening and getting to know the speakers, but also investing in applicable knowledge and tools that can actually make a difference in the future outcomes of a digital project.

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