SEOZoom AI tools: super support for site and social texts

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Once perceived as a futuristic and complex technology, in a very short time Generative Artificial Intelligence has become an increasingly present tool in everyday processes, capable of influencing not only the speed of execution, but also the quality of the content created. The integration of AI into digital practices is radically transforming the world of SEO and content marketing, and a conscious approach is not always respected – that is, using the tools not to replace the human hand (and mind), but to support, empower and, above all, optimize all those activities that traditionally required a lot of time or repetitiveness. Today, our strategies can take a leap forward if we can combine human capability with the precision of data-driven technology, leveraging AI to improve content production. This is the principle that guided the creation of SEOZoom’s AI Tools, a complete set of micro-tools that accompany the copywriter in the creation and management of all kinds of content to be published online, for any type of site or social, solving small problems and daily snags of the writing activity.

What SEOZoom AI Tools are

37 small AI-based tools designed specifically to simplify and optimize online content creation and SEO copywriting. SEOZoom’s AI Tools are a comprehensive set of tools that not only perform simple automated writing tasks, but offer real strategic support throughout the content creation process, from idea generation to SEO optimization.

AI + SEOZoom = Success!
Write optimized content in no time that attracts and grabs attention, increasing visits and conversions

Simple, intuitive, and immediate, they help to better perform the work of writing for all the professionals involved in the process, from the editor to the copywriter; in this way, this section makes SEOZoom’s toolbox of editorial tools even more equipped and, above all, makes it even easier to write from an SEO perspective.

Each of the 36 tools performs a small task that is useful for copywriting: ranging from simple spell-checking to generating concept and semantic maps, from insights into topics not thoroughly known to identifying topics and keywords relevant to the chosen topic, to creating category texts, product sheets, product descriptions, and whole sentences. All powered by Artificial Intelligence, as is already the case with the automatic SEO text generation tool in Editorial Assistant, resulting in working faster, producing more and better articles, and never running into the infamous writer’s block.

The basic idea is to provide professionals with an ecosystem that does not replace the copywriter or human work, but assists it; in fact, the focus remains on creativity and quality, removing the burden of repetitive tasks.

What SEOZoom’s AI Tools are

Currently, this section includes 37 AI tools, divided into six main categories, each designed to solve a specific need in content marketing and content management. Each tool performs a targeted task and is guided by SEO-customized prompts that immediately optimize the content produced, thus facilitating the work of even those with little experience or familiarity in talking to AI.

Here is the classification of these tools:

  1. Copywriter Tools. These tools are designed to support content writers by facilitating text generation and overcoming writer’s block.
  • Content ideas: suggests topics and themes to include in content.
  • Unaddressed topics: identifies gaps or topics that are not covered in depth in the content entered.
  • Introductory paragraphs: generates relevant introductions for each topic.
  • Generate Claims: creates catch phrases that can be used as headlines or promotional claims.
  • Rewrite text: allows you to improve the quality of text by rewriting it without altering its meaning.
  • Expand text: turns short texts into more complete and detailed content.
  • Semantic Maps: helps visualize concepts related to a given topic, suggesting related topics to cover.
  • Place Info: provides essential information about places, from events to points of interest.
  • Main Points of Interest: organizes a prioritized list of attractions for a location.
  1. Linguistic Support. These tools improve the grammatical and stylistic quality of the text, offering suggestions to enrich the content.
  • Grammar analysis: checks the grammatical correctness of the text.
  • Adjective search: suggests adjectives appropriate to the context.
  • Synonyms and antonyms search: provides valid semantic alternatives to improve the flow of the text.
  • Translate Text: translates content into other languages quickly and accurately, choosing whatever language you need.
  1. SEO Tools. Small tools that help optimize text for SEO to increase your chances of competing in Google SERPs.
  • Suggest Title and Meta Description: suggests titles and descriptions optimized for SEO.
  • Discover User Needs: analyzes real user needs related to a certain topic.
  • Relevant Terms by Topic: identifies essential keywords to be integrated into the text.
  • Title and Description from URL: generates optimized title and description for a list of URLs.
  1. Social. Tools designed to speed up the work of managing major social platforms.
  • Posts for Facebook, LinkedIn, Threads, Instagram, TikTok, X: generates specific posts for each social from any textual input, adapting the tone and length for each platform.
  • Scripts for videos: creates ready-to-read scripts for targeted videos, setting duration, tone and number of expected speakers.
  1. E-Commerce. Specific tools for those who manage and develop content for online stores, with a focus on product sheets .
  • Category texts: generates SEO-optimized descriptions for e-commerce categories.
  • Create product sheet: produces detailed product sheets based on the features provided.
  • Product page headlines: proposes catchy and optimized headlines for product pages.
  • Datasheet to text: converts data and specifications into readable, well-structured text.
  • Product description to datasheet: turns a text description into a datasheet.

The first group includes the main functions for finding ideas for content, and thus tools for acquiring information, getting ideas on what to write, getting help with sentence composition and overcoming writer’s block, generating semantic maps, or finding pull quotes with which to enrich text (or to use for an effective claim for a promotional campaign).

Possibili claim per la keyword SEOZoom

In the linguistic support area there are a number of tools that help to enrich the text from a semantic point of view and avoid errors: starting with grammatical analysis and ending with the search for context-appropriate adjectives or synonyms and antonyms for words and phrases, up to the translation of the text and a revision complete with an indication of all the problems encountered (with a proposal for modification). For those working with multilingual texts, moreover, we have also added an automatic translator that allows us to get content in whatever language we need (or can think of: the target language setting is free and, to say, it even works with Klingon!).

Esempio del tool di traduzione

Among SEO tools, on the other hand, there are features more oriented to SEO writing, which show us how Artificial Intelligence can be an excellent ally in this area: analysis of relevant Topics, thematic keywords, identification of users’ search intentions on each topic are just some of the opportunities, complemented by automated writing of title and description.

From a social perspective, they make it possible to quickly create posts optimized for different platforms, automatically adapting the content according to the tone of voice and specific characteristics of each channel, such as length and communicative style , thus simplifying the daily work of those who manage multiple social profiles.

Also very useful are the proposals designed to simplify the work of content creation for e-Commerce, which allow us to improve category texts and product sheets in particular : in practice, it is enough to tell the Artificial Intelligence what type of product we sell in the category, provide input regarding relevant terms and, in a few moments, we will get SEO-optimized content. Or, we can launch the generation of a data sheet in bulleted list format from the descriptive textual description of the product, or conversely create a clear, descriptive text from a tabular data sheet. To simplify the handling of massive tasks typical of e-Commerce, moreover, batch generation can also be exploited for these tools : instead of performing a single operation for each product data sheet or category text, for example, we can upload a CSV file with the list of URLs or products we need to work on and request a bulk creation. Thus, in practice, we will directly obtain the specific text we need for each page with a single operation, without having to repeat the inputs individually, working simultaneously on an entire set of pages or keywords that we have identified (and at a lower cost than individual operations!).

What SEOZoom’s AI Tools are for: usefulness and benefits

Using these tools means being able to perform specific tasks in very little time, solving various content creation issues with a treatment tailored to each project.

Those who manage text writing for the web can leverage AI to create SEO-optimized content, improvingindexing and ranking in Google SERPs and the relevance of the content to the needs of end users.

These tools also help us solve the most common production-related challenges by enabling faster, yet curated, management of all text creation activities. In thee-commerce context, for example, the automatic generation of product sheets or category texts takes place efficiently, producing compelling content that can make a difference in users’ purchasing decisions and, above all, avoid the “copy-paste” effect that often characterizes these texts, which are identical on multiple sites. AI helps us create persuasive and optimized descriptions for a site’s products or categories, allowing us to stand out against competitors while easing the workload. Tasks that used to take hours are solved in minutes, without sacrificing the quality needed for the product to rank in the best search results.

But that’s not all: SEOZoom also offers tools developed specifically for those involved in social media, one of the most complex areas of content creation. Those who work with platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram or TikTok know how essential it is to adapt the tone and format of content to each specific channel, respecting the unique dynamics and characteristics of each. AI Tools for Social simplify this process: simply enter a source text, such as an article or news story, and the tool will generate a post optimized according to the length and communication style required by the chosen platform. This means that, in just a few clicks, we can generate ready-to-publish posts without having to worry about manually adapting the content to the specific platform each time.

In addition, AI not only adapts to the rules of each social, but always stays true to the predefined tone of voice, thus ensuring brand communication consistency. For video marketers, the video script creation tool is another great time saver: with the ability to insert long and complex text, set the number of speakers, and determine the exact duration, theAI generates a script that reflects the salient points of the topic, optimizing the message in the time we have available and always maintaining a consistent tone of voice.

This social media and video content toolset is an invaluable resource for those who must publish content frequently, as it drastically reduces the time spent formatting, adapting and publishing , allowing us to focus on the creative and strategic aspects of our communication, without compromise.

In fact, in general, the great advantage of this section lies precisely in the extreme simplicity and understanding of how the tools work, allowing us to greatly reduce the time spent on some of the most common tasks faced in the work of conceiving and writing text for a site.

In practice, it is not just a matter of using AI to write text, but of making it our personal assistant, to whom we can delegate the most complex, time-consuming, and tedious stages of the process, while we continue to focus on optimizing the most important aspects, dramatically streamlining the amount of work.

How AI tools work, the technical information

All of these tools are powered by Artificial Intelligence currently based on GPT-4, driven by prompts tailored to the needs of content creators; in addition, each user has the ability to submit a request for the creation of a specific feature to be added to the package, where possible with the technology.

A disclaimer is also worth mentioning, which we strongly reiterate and which characterizes our approach to the latest technologies: the information in the outputs is generated directly by the AI and, in some cases, may not be precise, accurate, or up-to-date (also due to “latency” of the AI system), and therefore always needs a human-side revisionary check, to avoid affecting the quality of the content that we will later use on our sites.

The feature interface is really basic, with instructions explaining and guiding the user. These tools have an extra out-of-pocket cost compared to the software subscription: specifically, we are talking about a negligible price, in the order of a few cents (0.00082 cents per word generated in output), with the possibility of recharging the credit quickly and easily.

In addition to the classic suite – as mentioned, in the Editorial Tools menu – these AI Tools have also been added to the version of the Editorial Plan dedicated to copywriters – the dashboard accessed from here, designed precisely tailored for copywriters who, through SEOZoom, want to get in touch with interested publishers, making themselves available for possible collaborations.

Access to the copy platform is completely free, and so copy can create an account without commitment and without paying anything until they decide to top up their credit to use the AI tools.

How to use the tools, the quick guide

The use of SEOZoom’s AI Tools is designed to be practical and intuitive, even for those who are unfamiliar with AI tools . The user input process is simple and straightforward, leading to quick and optimized results for any type of content, be it articles, product sheets , descriptions or social posts. All of these tools share a similar approach, facilitated by guided prompts that make interaction with AI smooth and understandable.

To begin, users must select the AI tool that best suits their needs within the SEOZoom suite. Whether it is a category text or a post for social, the operational flow is essentially the same. The first step is to input the source content: this can be an article, a description or a simple textual input that represents the concept or focus of the message you want to develop. SEOZoom then takes care of providing a wizard interface for filling in the expected fields so that the user defines some relevant information such as the tone of voice, the length of the text , or the type of platform on which you intend to publish.

After completing these steps, SEOZoom processes the information and generates the content. Unlike generic tools,SEOZoom’s AI does not just produce a text, but adapts the content according to the parameters entered: for a social post, for example, it will take into account the specific rules of each platform (maximum length, communicative style), while for a product sheet or category page it will optimize the content according to SEO principles and typical user decision paths. The flexibility will enable accurate output immediately, without the need for significant further corrections.

In addition, for tools such as video script generation, SEOZoom allows setting additional parameters such as video duration or number of speakers perfectly delineating the flow of discourse. Key inputs are always requested incrementally within predefined fields so that it is easy to customize the content and achieve a result consistent with the project you are working on.

This system makes the whole writing process faster and more dynamic, cutting down the time normally required to produce long and complex texts. Any professional, whether engaged in SEO,e-commerce or social media, can therefore count on efficient tools that not only improve the final quality of the content, but also ensure high attention to detail.

Why and to whom these AI Tools are useful

The practical usefulness of SEOZoom’s AI Tools lies mainly in their ability to drastically reduce operational time without sacrificing the quality of the final work. In a context in which content production requires consistency, precision, relevance and speed – and in which keeping the quality level of texts high at all times, respecting the rules of SEO optimization and responding to the needs of the target audience, can often be complex if not unfeasible – having automated tools available that manage the most repetitive and time-consuming tasks is a real advantage.

In particular, thanks to these tools, we can speed up the creation of essential elements such as headlines, meta descriptions and data sheets by avoiding having to deal with each task manually, which allows us to process large volumes of content quickly and efficiently.

Another aspect that makes these tools particularly useful is their pay-per-word model, which also makes them highly competitive in terms of cost. We no longer have to worry about buying expensive software with rigid subscriptions; rather, we pay exclusively for the words we generate, with extremely low per-word prices. This approach is an important asset for those who need to manage limited budgets or produce content at scale, such as e-commerce businesses or professionals who need to frequently update a lot of web content.

But the real added value of AI Tools is not limited to cost or time reduction. These tools, thanks toartificial intelligence, manage to revolutionize the creative process: we are offered results based on optimized prompts that stimulate our inspiration and help us generate new ideas. While they free us from the task of writing repetitive sentences or optimizing technical details, they also allow us to focus on the strategic and creative aspects of our work, such as building the brand’s tone of voice or developing content that is truly engaging for the target audience.

Tool idee per contenuti

Finally, having tools that also contribute to grammatical revision and correction of stylistic errors eliminates that often-overlooked phase of the work: final revision. Tools such as those in Language Support automatically correct the content, highlighting errors and proposing alternatives that lengthen or rework the text to better meet communicative needs. In this way, the whole process becomes smoother and allows us to deliver cleaner, high-quality content , without distracting errors or typos that could undermine its professionalism. Using these AI tools means, therefore, having the ability to produce well-optimized content quickly and at a reduced cost, while maintaining a high standard of quality.

Basically, we reiterate what for us is the correct (and suggested) approach: AI can help in the work of writing without replacing the copywriter or other professionals, and we are convinced that these sophisticated systems can be a great advantage in a variety of situations and offer valuable support in creating better content, if guided and used correctly and consciously. That is, it remains a tool, and should be used as such, to make our work easier and faster. A position, this one, that later turned out to be the line taken by Google, which expressed itself in similar tones about the management of AI content for SEO and Search purposes.

Practical applications of the tools

Not simply automated tools, but true versatile assistants that meet the needs of a wide range of professionals: from the copywriter to the social media manager, from the e-commerce manager to the travel blogger, every role related to the digital world can benefit from the accuracy, speed, and flexibility that these tools offer, making the content creation process not only faster, but decidedly more strategic.

Due to their versatility, SEOZoom’s AI Tools are therefore suitable for a wide range of professionals, offering valuable support in a variety of situations. Indeed, these tools are not limited to a single application, but find their way into multiple scenarios related to online writing andSEO optimization, making them practically indispensable for those who need to manage content production in an ongoing and effective manner.

One of the areas of greatest application is undoubtedly copywriting. Copywriters who often face the dreaded writer’s block can rely on tools that allow them to quickly generate articulate sentences and creative prompts that solve this kind of impasse. From the initial AI-generated prompts to the reworking and expansion of texts, work becomes less burdensome and ideas flow more naturally with the system’s timely assistance. The tool that allows you to complete sentences or the one that helps summarize and expand short paragraphs represent key assistants, offering immediate solutions and stimulating creativity. In addition, for those involved in travel blogging or local marketing , tools that enable information about places or points of interest are extremely useful. Often those in this field need detailed and accurate information, but sourcing and putting it together manually can take time and extensive research. SEOZoom’s AI Tools are able to provide clear guidance on what we should consider key in our article-from activities to report to local events or must-sees in a given destination. This not only simplifies editorial work, but ensures that the content is relevant and appreciated by readers, offering clear and useful practical details.

In parallel, those working in e-commerce can benefit from the tools of product sheets and category texts, optimized to ensure the highest SEO relevance and strong persuasive power. Writing custom, persuasive product sheets with the right technical information is often a key aspect of increasing conversion rates, and doing it manually for each individual product can take time and effort. With SEOZoom’s AI Tools, it becomes possible to automate many of these tasks without sacrificing attention to detail. In addition, knowing how to optimize these pages for search engines is critical to standing out in the vast competition in the online industry.

Another group of professionals who find great benefit in using these tools are those involved in social media. Generating content calibrated to the specific needs of each platform can take much more time than one imagines: post length, tone, and matching the visual and textual communication of the channel are just some of the aspects to pay attention to. Tools such as “Post for Facebook,” “PostforLinkedIn,” or “Post for Instagram” greatly help reduce writing time by giving us instantly publishable texts that are optimized for each format. This saves hours of work devoted to creating content on social and allows us to focus more on the overall strategy.

A writing toolbox

By adding these new tools , SEOZoom confirms itself as the platform of excellence for making the work of content creation for any site easier, faster and, above all, more effective, even in view of the upcoming SEO for AI.

SEO copywriting gets smarter
Create compelling content in seconds with SEOZoom and AI

To AI Tools we can delegate most of the routine tasks of the text ideation and writing activity, getting with a few clicks and a few cents ideas, cues, and guidance on the topics we are working on, even without fully mastering the topic.

That is, we can take advantage of the potential of technology and Artificial Intelligence to put them at our service in a creative and intelligent way: perhaps not to write a whole text to be published directly, but to do grammar checks and propose possible corrections, to quickly translate a passage into another language (or from another language into Italian) or to get a hint to overcome a block in front of a sentence or the title of a paragraph.

So many applications, in short, all at our fingertips to enable us to find the information we need in a few moments without having to browse dozens of websites, speeding up the data collection phase to devote ourselves to writing without delays or hindrances.

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