HTML Anchor: what anchors in HTML are and what they are used for

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It is the means by which we can jump from one part of a vast web document to another with a single click, without wasting time scrolling through endless pages to find the information we need, and thus promotes connectivity between different pages, but also user experience and SEO optimization. This is exactly the power of HTML anchors, the “anchors” that, invisible to the eyes, guide users through the maze of content, making navigation efficient and enjoyable, while also influencing the way search engines index and rank pages. Let’s explore what HTML anchors are, how best to use them, and why they have become an indispensable tool in the world of digital marketing.

What are HTML anchors?

An HTML anchor represents the building block of hyperlinks. Also known as the “a” tag, it is one of the fundamental tools in the HTML language, because it allows hyperlinks to be created between web documents and facilitates connectivity between different pages.

Anchors are essential for efficient navigation because they allow users to quickly “jump” between sections of a page and easily find the information they need.

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Its syntax involves the use of the <a> tag, such as: <a href=””>Visit our site</a>. The “href” parameter is short for “Hypertext REFerence” and specifies the destination of the link. Without this parameter, the anchor acts as a simple bookmark or reference point within the same page, and is often in fact used to create internal anchors that enhance the navigation of specific sections.

What “anchor” means and applications in the Web environment

An anchor is an element part of the Document Object Model (DOM) of an HTML document, which allows the text of a hyperlink to be defined. The term derives from the fact that this text acts as an “anchor” for the link, providing a description of the content to which it points: in fact, in English, anchor means precisely “anchor,” in the sense of the classic metal device with hooked points that is used to block (anchor, precisely) boats to the bottom.

This concept well expresses the function of an HTML anchor: a fixed point of reference that, in the context of the Web, allows users to anchor themselves to specific sections of a page. This is particularly useful in long and complex documents, where being able to quickly “jump” from one section to another enhances the browsing experience. For example, by using <a name=”section1″></a> to create an anchor at the beginning of a section and <a href=”#section1″>Go to section 1</a> for linking, we can facilitate movement within the page itself.

Technological evolution has had a significant impact on the use of HTML anchors: with the advent of mobile-first design and web applications, the use of anchors has become even more sophisticated. Developers must now consider how links affect mobile navigation, ensuring that links are easily clickable on smaller screens and optimized for touch navigation. Single Page Applications (SPAs) have also revolutionized the use of anchors, using techniques such as hashing to enable intuitive navigation without reloading the entire page.

What are HTML anchors

In general, we can distinguish two types of these anchors.

Internal HTML anchors are used to create hyperlinks within the same web page: they allow users to quickly “jump” between different sections of a single document, improving the browsing experience for users. This type of anchor is particularly useful for pages that are long and densely populated with content, such as technical articles, manuals, guides or FAQs. The syntax of an internal anchor involves using the hash mark (#) followed by the anchor name as a reference in the link. For example:

  • Creating the anchor: <a name=”section1″></a> or <h2 id=”section1″>Section Title</h2>
  • Anchor link: <a href=”#section1″>Go to Section 1</a>

In this way, clicking on the link will redirect you directly to the specific section on the same page.

In contrast, external HTML anchors link a web page to other pages on the same site or different domains. They are essential for creating a network of hyperlinks between different online resources, facilitating access to related information and improving the overall structure of the website. An external anchor can point either to a page within the same domain (internal link) or to a page on another domain (external link). The syntax of an external anchor involves using a full URL as the value of the href attribute in the <a> tag. For example:

  • Link internal to the site: <a href=”/page-internal.html”>Go to Internal Page</a>
  • Link to another domain: <a href=””>Go to External Site</a>

What are the differences between HTML anchor and anchor text

It is crucial to distinguish between HTML anch or and anchor text in order to use these tools correctly and avoid confusion.

Anchor HTML refers to the entire <a> element, which includes the link, anchor text, and other attributes such as target and title. Anchor text, on the other hand, is the visible, clickable part of the link, which is critical for SEO because it provides context to both users and search engines. For example, in <a href=””>Click Here</a>, “Click Here” is the anchor text. The choice of anchor text can significantly affect search engine rankings, making it essential to use relevant and descriptive keywords.

What HTML anchors are used for.

HTML anchors are essential for creating effective hyperlinks that improve navigation within a website. These small but powerful HTML tags allow you to link different sections of a page or create bridges between different documents, promoting a smoother and more intuitive flow of information.

In particular, external anchors are essential to an effective SEO strategy, as they improve link equity, promote the discovery of new pages by search engines, and increase the overall authority of the site.

Well-calibrated use of HTML anchors helps search engines better understand the structure and content of a site, which can positively affect its ranking in search results pages.

But anchors are also valuable in content indexes, which offer visitors a quick way to jump directly to desired sections of a long page, making access to information faster and less frustrating.

When and why to create anchors

For these reasons, using HTML anchors is a useful practice in various contexts, especially when managing long or complex Web pages.

It is advisable to include anchors when you want to offer users a quick way to access specific information without having to manually scroll through all the content. For example, in manuals, FAQs or technical articles, anchors allow users to navigate directly to the relevant section.

Creating anchors is also beneficial for SEO reasons: linking the different sections of a page with internal links promotes better crawling by search engines, increasing the relevance and quality of the site, just as it is good practice to link externally to authoritative sources or offer additional relevant resources. In addition, anchors facilitate mobile navigation, where continuous scrolling can be more tiring.

What HTML anchors are good for: advantages and benefits

And so, well-considered use of HTML anchors can significantly improve the user experience: clear, targeted links allow users to navigate between sections of a page more efficiently, quickly finding the information they need.

This is especially useful in long or complex documents, as mentioned, where the ability to “jump” directly to relevant sections can reduce search time and improve user satisfaction. In addition, a well-organized link structure contributes to intuitive navigation, increasing dwell time on the site and reducing bounce rate.

Accessibility is another crucial aspect of using HTML anchors: an accessible website ensures that all users, including people with disabilities, can navigate it effectively. Well-implemented anchors can significantly improve accessibility. For example, the use of descriptive text for links helps users using screen readers better understand the content and destination of links. In addition, the inclusion of ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) attributes can further improve accessibility by making links more understandable and navigable for all users.

How to create an HTML anchor

Creating an HTML anchor is simple and intuitive, but it requires care to ensure proper implementation.

The standard syntax is to use the <a> tag with the href attribute to define the link, with minor variations depending on the location of the destination.

Specifically, to set an internal reference and link to a section within the same page, we can write: <a href=”#section1″>Go to section 1</a> combined with <a name=”section1″></a>.

It is important to note that the hash mark (#) tells the browser to look for an anchor with the specified name within the same page. This method is useful for creating internal indexes, facilitating navigation in complex documents.

To create an HTML anchor that points to a different page within the same site, we will use the <a> tag with the href attribute set to a relative or absolute path. The relative path specifies the location of the target page relative to the current page in the site: for example, if we want to link to a page called page-internal.html located in the same directory as the current page, the code would be <a href=”page-internal.html”>Go to internal page</a>. If the destination page is located in a different directory, we will need to specify the appropriate relative path, as in <a href=”/directory/page-internal.html”>Go to internal page</a>. Of course, we can also choose to specify the full path, by simply adding the domain name to the address as well, as in <a href=””>Go to internal page</a>.

To create an HTML anchor that points to a page on a different site, we again use the <a> tag, but this time necessarily with the href attribute set to an absolute URL. An absolute URL includes the protocol (http or https), the domain name, and the path to the destination page. For example, if we want to link to a page called page-external.html located on a different domain, the code would be <a href=””>visit external site</a>.

Best practices for optimizing HTML anchors.

To optimize HTML anchors, it is essential to follow some best practices. First, anchor text should be descriptive and relevant, including targeted keywords but avoiding overuse that could be penalizing. It is important to diversify anchor texts to avoid repetition and ensure a balanced distribution of link juice. In addition, links should be relevant and contextual, placed in content that has a real relationship with the landing page. Finally, it is crucial to avoid broken links and maintain an up-to-date link structure to ensure smooth and seamless navigation.


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There are common mistakes in the use of HTML anchors that can undermine the effectiveness of SEO. One of the most common mistakes is the overuse of generic anchor text such as “click here,” which does not provide useful guidance to search engines. Another mistake is the concentration of links on a few pages, which can skew the distribution of link juice. It is also critical to avoid irrelevant links that can mislead users and search engines. Finally, broken links are a serious problem, as they interrupt navigation and can reduce the credibility of the site.

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