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Dal punto di vista tecnicom sottocartella o subfolder è una directory situata all’interno di un’altra directory in una struttura gerarchica di file e cartelle.

Technically a subdirectory or subfolder is a directory located within another directory in a hierarchical structure of files and folders.

In the context of a Web site, a subfolder is used to organize and structure the content of the site in a logical and orderly manner.

Subfolders are typically represented in the URL after the main domain and are separated by slashes (“/”). For example, in “,” “blog” is a subfolder of the “” domain.

Subfolders can be used to group similar or related content, such as product pages in an online store or article categories in a blog.

From an SEO perspective, the use of subfolders can influence how search engines interpret site structure and content relevance, and can help establish a clear hierarchy of information within the site, improving navigability and potentially ranking in search results pages (SERPs).

In contrast to subdomains, in fact, subfolders are generally considered part of the main site, meaning that traffic and SEO authority are shared between the main domain and all its subfolders. In general, subfolders are often preferred for SEO because they maintain the authority of the main domain and consolidate rankings; however, subdomains can be useful when you want to clearly separate parts of the site that have very different purposes or that target distinct audiences, and when you want to give a more independent identity to those sections.

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